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   Primitivo Roig
Slow and Grow
768 pp; 200 illus; ©2020;
ISBN 978-84-89873-84-1 (BS004); US $315
Today there is much talk of being disruptive in life and business, of interrupting the status quo or of reinventing the rules. This two-volume book describes a different way of approaching dentistry, using the author’s signature SLOW method to effectively GROW your practice and your enjoyment of the profession. The focus is on maintaining an effective personal relationship with patients in a world of marketing and digital communication where it may be necessary to compete for the patient’s attention. Slow den- tistry offers us a vision of doing more with less, prioritizing quality, and enjoying the emotional bond with the patient as well as the team. This book discusses methods to compete success- fully in a worldwide market using personal human connections to find greater fulfillment in dentistry in general.
es OdontologíaSlow
Gestión hacia la excelencia
750 pp; 378 ilus; ©2018; ISBN 978-84-89873- 79-7 (E3797); US $125
En este libro presentamos la Gestión Odon- tológica a partir del método Odontología Slow creado y desarrollado por el autor. Es un libro dividido en cuatro componentes: El Método, La Clínica, El Líder y El Paciente. El lector encontrará todo lo que necesita saber para poder gestionar de forma excelente su clínica dental. Con base en la experiencia profesional y personal del autor, este libro provee valiosos consejos y directrices a clínicos nuevos que comienzan su carrera.
    Robert E. Marx
Oral Pathology in Clinical Dental Practice
376 pp; 425 illus; ©2017; ISBN 978-0-86715-764-2 (B7642); US $98
  While most dentists do not perform their own histologic testing, all dentists must be able to recognize conditions that may require biopsy or further treatment outside the dentist office. This book does not pretend to be an exhaus- tive resource on oral pathology; instead, it seeks to provide the practicing clinician with enough information to help identify or at least narrow down the differential for every common lesion or oral manifestation of disease seen in daily practice as well as what to do about them. Organized by type of lesion, mass, or disease, each pathologic entity presented includes the nature of the disease; its predilections, clinical features, radiographic presentation, dif- ferential diagnosis, and microscopic features; and the suggested course of action for the dental practitioner as well as the standard treatment regimen. In keeping with the concise nature of the text, all but the rarest disease entities include at least one photograph to illustrate the clinical condition. This book distills the comprehensive information from Dr Marx and Dr Diane Stern’s award-winning pathology reference text (Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology: A Rationale for Diagnosis and Treatment, ed 2 [Quintessence, 2012]) into practical guidelines for restorative and general dentists everywhere.
 Andreas Filippi | Sebastian Kühl (Eds)
Tooth-Preserving Surgery
136 pp; 428 illus; ©2020; ISBN 978-0-86715-958-5 (B9585); US $110
Tooth-preserving surgery has been performed for hundreds of years, but the last 10 to 15 years have shown a resurgence and a great increase in knowledge regarding these techniques. The aim of this book is to present modern methods of tooth-preserving surgery so clinicians can expand the range of treatments offered in daily practice or
to bring them up to date. This volume is not intended as a textbook, but rather as an illustrated atlas and reference work. Each surgical technique is systematically described
with indications and contraindications, step-by-step surgical procedure featuring case examples, as well as prog- nosis and potential complications. Armed with knowledge of methods old and new, clinicians can evaluate whether their patients’ teeth—even potentially hopeless teeth—might still be preserved.
   Andreas Filippi | Irène Hitz Lindenmüller (Eds)
The Tongue
216 pp; 591 illus; ©2019; ISBN 978-0-86715-776-5 (B7765); US $148
The tongue not only plays a primary role in masticatory and speech
function—it is also a significant indicator of health, demonstrating signs of both oral pathologies and diseases that can affect the entire body. In addition to an overview of tongue anatomy and general diagnosis and treatment recommendations, this book contains an atlas of more than 50 specific diseases and health concerns that may present signs and symptoms in the tongue.
Uwe Bussmeier | Uwe Fremder | Jürgen Langenhan
Sleep Apnea
Treatment of Sleep- Related Breathing Disorders in Dentistry (DVD-ROM)
©2011; ISBN 978-3-938947-85-5 (C3005); US $178
This DVD presents treatment of the two main causative bite relationships associated with sleep apnea—the edge-to-edge bite and the deep bite. A mandibular advancement can help many patients improve their quality of life and prevent serious complications of sleep apnea.

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