P. 35

Ole T. Jensen (Ed)
The Sinus Bone Graft
Third Edition
288 pp; 948 illus; ©2019;
ISBN 978-0-86715-791-8 (B7918); US $168
This completely revised edition not only reviews the time-tested lateral window approach for sinus elevation and grafting but also describes a variety of techniques to approach the sinus transcrestally with or without grafting material. One section
Francis Louise | Oana Dragan
Essentials of Maxillary Sinus
128 pp; 360 illus; ©2018;
ISBN 978-1-78698-018-2 (BG126); US $88
The goal of this book is to help clinicians under- stand each surgical step of the illustrated maxillary sinus augmentation procedures and the evidence- based rationale behind the decision-making. As such, the authors have created an up-to-date and
accessible resource that every dentist performing sinus augmentation should have on hand for clinical guidance.
Tiziano Testori | Fabio Galli | Massimo Del Fabbro (Eds)
Immediate Loading
A New Era in Oral Implantology
586 pp; 960 illus; ©2010;
ISBN 978-1-85097-202-0 (BG088); US $328
This book synthesizes all the considerations that affect immediate loading protocols, first explain- ing the biology that underpins the innovative strategy and systematically moving through all the stages of the process, from the presurgical diagnosis to the posttreatment management of the patient.
Tiziano Testori | Massimo Del Fabbro | Roberto Weinstein | Stephen Wallace
Maxillary Sinus Surgery and
Alternatives in Treatment
380 pp; 409 illus; ©2009;
ISBN 978-1-85097-170-2 (BG069); US $258
The authors of this book bring together the most recent scientific discoveries and innovative clinical protocols for maxillary sinus augmentation as well as alternatives to these techniques.
Devorah Schwartz-Arad
Ridge Preservation and
Immediate Implantation
308 pp; 1,594 illus; ©2012;
ISBN 978-1-85097-216-7 (BL027); US $228
This impressive evidence-based textbook covers all aspects of immediate implant placement and immediate loading. Chapters present the funda- mentals of implant placement techniques, socket preservation, augmentation concepts, peri-implant
soft tissue management, and immediate loading protocols, which constitute the basis for predictable, functional, and esthetic outcomes.
 of the book is devoted entirely to the different types of implants and implant placement techniques available, and there are many clinical case studies and descriptions of how to perform specific surgical procedures.
Georg Watzek
The Percrestal Sinuslift
From Illusion to Reality (Book/DVD-ROM set)
244 pp; 494 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-222-8 (BG100); US $168
This book is intended to provide a blueprint to develop a surgical protocol that meets the general medical standards of a minimally invasive proce- dure. The accompanying DVD-ROM documents the percrestal sinuslift using the gel pressure technique.
Yasuhiro Nosaka
Sinus Floor Elevation
Avoiding Pitfalls Using Cone-Beam CT
120 pp; 806 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-1-85097-265-5 (BG109); US $120
This book provides effective techniques for sinus floor elevation to guide clinicians to a successful, complication-free outcome.
Georg Bayer | Frank Kistler | Steffen Kistler | Stephan Adler | Jörg Neugebauer (Eds)
Immediate Restorations with a
Reduced Number of Implants
Conceptual Background and Clinical Results
128 pp; 310 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-217-4 (BG098); US $35
In this book, the authors present the concept for their innovative implant treatment—the SKY fast & fixed approach—and outline, step-by-step, the
method for placement of angulated implants in the posterior area to provide stable support for immediate restoration with a reduced number of implants, even in atrophied jaws.

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