Page 3 - Isolation Guide: LEP Special E-mag Edition v2
P. 3
Spring, 2020 i | | @leponline
Work-life balance at
home now essential
Feelings such as inadequacy, stress and worry are heightened in trying tofulfil home duties alongside work tasks
seismic change in daily life can be as unsettling for parents
as it is for children... no more so than during current coronavirus pandemic.
Adapting to home-school ing, childcare, working from home and checking on eld erly relatives put extra strain on family life.
Children may find it con fusing doing PE in their bed room or wondering how long it will be before they can play with their friends again.
Balancing working at home with childcare is a huge challenge for parents. Feelings such as inadequacy, stress and worry are height ened in trying to fulfil home dut ies alongside work tasks.
Write yourselfan achiev able checklist by
breaking down
your big
ger goals into easier steps. For example:
1 check emails, 2 finish ex penses, 3 make kids a snack.
Ifyou live
in a house, try
to separate spaces
in which you work with the spaces in which family activi ties take place. Ifyour chil dren are old enough and are getting on with school work, create a ‘work zone' for vou
and the family.
For parents with younger
children, try to provide activ ities that keep their attention while you do essential tasks or meetings.
Making sure your child’s educational needs are met is a tough call. Find ways to ex plore educational topics in a relaxed manner.
There are plenty ofre sources such as Maths with Carol Vorderman, BBC Bite- size which enables your child to stay on top ofthe National Curriculum and Elevenses with David Walliams, which is a free audio story at liam everyday.
Most people struggle to provide continuous fun for their children during holi days, let alone a lockdown. Keep in mind that you are a parent not an entertainer. Set your children fun activi
ties such as putting on a showf for mum
and dad. Children
will be miss ing their
grandpar ents or friends.
Keeping communi
cation chan nels open is
still achiev able thanks to the
technology ofFace- book, Whatsapp, Hangouts
and Skype that help to main tain family ties and ensure friendships thrive in a time ofcrisis. David Walliams photo (Tim P Whitbv. Gettv Images)