Page 10 - Meadowhall 25th Anniversary: The Star Special Supplement
P. 10

 10 THESTAR Saturday,September5,2015
f M3
Long-service celebrations at Meadowhall
‘Coming to work here is a pleasure’
Meadowhall has announced an “unprecedented” £50 million refurbishment pro­ gramme to mark the centre’s 25th anniversary.
Meadowhall’s co-owner and asset manager, British Land,saysthatisthemostsig- nificantinthecentre’shistory, designed to ensure a contin­ ued and unrivalled shopping experience for customers, andfirmlyensuringMeadow- hall’s reputation as a key des­ tination for retail excellence today and into the future.
The refurbishment works willstartlaterintheyearand will be completed by the end of2017.
The extensive works - whichwilllargelybecomplet­ ed out ofhours to enable all retail andleisure operators to trade throughout the period -willcreatedistinctdistricts within the centre, each with a different finish including wood and punctured metal.
Theworkswillalsoenable anumberofretailerstoinstall ‘double height’ shop fronts.
The refurbishment will fur­ ther include new ‘way find­ ing’,mallseatingandlighting as well as the installation of dramatic lighting artwork, working to ensure that Mead- owhall remains a modern shopping environment.
This latest refurbishment announcement follows the recent £3 million upgrade of theParkLanearea,whichwas completed in 2014.
Darren Pearce, Meadow- hall’s centre director, said: “We are very proud to have served and supported the lo­ cal and regional communi­ ty for a quarter of a century, bringing people together by listening and responding to changing consumer, market and economic changes to en­ sure the best experience for all.
“And what better way to mark our 25-year milestone thanbyannouncingthebiggest refurbishment programme in Meadowhall’s history for the benefit of our current and fu­ ture shoppers; delivering an innovative, compelling and creative shopping experience to ensure that Meadowhall continues to lead the way for the next 25 years.”
Regarded today as thejew­ el in the crown ofYorkshire’s
As Meadowhall celebrates its25thbirthday,thereare some very special mem­ bers of staff who are also raising a glass to mark their 25th work anniver­ sary at the centre.
Andrew Brown, pay­ roll and personnel co-or- dinator, Linda Fogwill, a dedicated cleaning op­ erative, Christopher Ibbotson, the centre’s caretaker; Kenneth Joyce, the longest-serving cen­ tre supervisor, Mick Os­ borne, security manager, Gary Wright, who heads the property services de­ partment, and Robert Waller, who is the night supervisor, have all called Meadowhall their place of workforawhopping9,125 dayseach.
Meadowhallkick-start­ editsbirthdayinstyleyes­ terdaywithaweekendfull of celebrations planned and at the top ofthe guest list, of course, are hard­ workingstaff.
Andrew Brown re­ called: “My first thoughts ofMeadowhallwerewalk­ ingintothetotalunknown oneverylevel,Ididn’tknow whattoexpect.
“After25yearsit’sbeen morethanajobtome,I have met some good peo­ ple and I am working with colleagues who I now class as very good friends.
“Meadowhall has al­ ways been about the peo­ ple and I love that.”
Gary Wright remem­ bers Meadowhall before it had even opened its doors to the public: “It was like a construction site, I couldn’t believe the size oftheplaceandhowbusy it was getting the centre ready for opening, every­ one chipped in.
“Meadowhallhas been a bigpartofmylife andithas allowed me to eryoy a very good career progression.”
Mick Osborne also add­ ed: “I couldn’t get over the size ofthe place, I remem­ ber going to Woolworths and getting lost!
“Meadowhallhasplayed suchabigpartinmylife,it has a big family culture, with varied departments and good people who all work together to achieve the same goal.
“Coming to work here every day is something I like to call a pleasure.”
Aglimpseofthefuture at Meadowhall Shopping Centre
multi-billion-pound retail business, Meadowhall today houses more than 300 leading UK and international stores, restaurants and cafes.
The centre plays a significant part when it comes to the lo­ cal economy, employing up to 8,500 at peak times and con­ tributing more than a fifth of the total business rates reve­ nue to Sheffield City Council.
The Source Skills Acad­ emy at Meadowhall, today a standalone £3million a year business, has trained tens of thousands ofpeople over the vears, and continues to blaze a
trail for private sector engage­ ment in equipping the work­ force for the future.
As a centre, Meadowhall has picked up a plethora of awards and accolades over the years for its retail, manage­ ment, operations, communica­ tions and environment work.
It was the first UK shop­ ping centre to install LED lights across the centre.
It also developed an on­ site Resource and Recovery Centre which sorts, separates and sends materials for recy­ cling, invested in a rainwater harvesting, which today sup­ plies non-drinking water to the centre and installed elec­
tric charging points - the first in Sheffield too.
Claire Barber, head ofshop­ ping centre assetmanagement for British Land, said: “Across the retail portfolio, we are in­ vesting in our assets to ensure they reflect the way people shop today.
“The refurbishment of Meadowhallwillreposition the centre to appeal to pre­ mium and lifestyle retailers as well as a broader range of customers.
“We are very excited about the future for Meadowhall and theexperiencethisinvestment will create for both our cus­ tomers and retailers.”

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