Page 9 - WGHS: Wakefield Girls' High School Prospectus
P. 9

The WGHS Community
Each girl is a valued and involved member of the WGHS community.
Being secure and happy ensures our girls are equipped to grow in con dence and to achieve their very best.
They develop a strong af liation with their form, and inter-form competitions take place throughout the year, strengthening friendships and nurturing teamwork.
Older girls play an important role in mentoring younger pupils and in running clubs and activities throughout the school. This ethos contributes signi cantly to the creation and maintenance of a caring community, which meets the needs of all our girls so that they can achieve success and become responsible citizens.
Our girls have a strong sense of right and wrong, and these positive values are developed during assemblies, form time and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE).
The comprehensive PSHEE programme within the timetable aims to develop values and a sound spiritual and moral code for the girls.
We place great value upon the link between
girls’ emotional well-being and their potential for achievement. We strive to develop a sense of pride in our girls, not only in their academic achievement but also their appearance, their place in society and all they achieve during their time at WGHS.

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