Page 4 - Isolation Guide: LEP Special E-mag Supplement
P. 4
Spring, 2020 i | | @leponline
Amanda Garstang and Barton
“Whether your brand new or a returning memberjoin me from the comfort of where everyou are?"
07522 980200
Louise Warton, Lea & Ashton
“What I love about my virtual Slimming World groups, is at this uncertain and worrying time we can get support and guidance and have a giggle with our fellow members and friends"
Gaynor - Cottam and Broughton
“You can't beat sitting in your comfy chair while sharing great ideas. ” 07437 777588
Heather J - Freckleton
“I love my virtual groups because they add an element of fun into my week, it’s nice to see different faces and it’s nice to know you’re making a difference to people’s lives, even in this difficult time"
07710 012239
Heather M Ingol and Deepdale
“Love being able to connect with my members, still being able to offer support, and have a laugh along the way. ” 07532 823789
Matt - Plungington
“What i love about the virtual groups.... I love the buzz, the friendships, the food chat, the inspiration!All whilst in the comfort of my own home! Catch up with friends, make plans and get loads of fresh ideas!!" 07576 716787
Libby - Penwortham
“I am so happy that the love and support between the members isjust as strong as it is in our normal groups which is so heart-warming!” 07808740786
Karen - Fulwood
“Here for you every step of the way"
Steph - Ingol and Whittle-Le-Woods
“Zoom! Inspiration, motivation,
friendship, support, caring and encouragement all in one Slimming
World virtualpackage - love it!”
Julie - Penwortham and Ashton
“I love seeing and talking to my members weekly in our virtual groups, they are so supportive and caring towards each other,
just like a really loving family. " 07817 297730
Sue - Fulwood
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra" - quote owned by Jimmy Johnson but is so true of our virtual groups!”
07535 213632
Faye ran® ^
Louise - Garstang
“Going forward my groups will be on Thursdays 6.15pm 8.15pm and 11 am on a Saturday, call me for more details”
07515 545931
Ker drezm weifllftt - rtrxd kez story online
5k m group r< more details
touching hearts, changing lives