Page 17 - Lawn & Landscape Guide AL
P. 17

 this hard to control weed from spreading like wild fire. Apply a selective herbicide to control these unwanted weeds.
Fire Ants: Fire ant stings are very painful and are no joke! They thrive in warmer temperatures and but they are active 12 months a year. Fire ants search for areas of direct sunlight so your lawn is a perfect fit. Their mounds can develop very quickly especially after rainfall. Broadcasting baits are most effective.
Turf Pest Alert: Surface feeding insects are active and must be controlled to prevent turf injury. Grub worms, mole crickets, chinch bugs are currently active therefore quick identification and action must be taken. A good way to check for turf pests is to take a 4 square foot area, framed up with 2x4’s. Put 5-6 table spoons of dish washing liquid to 2 gallons of water in a bucket and mix up. Pour over the 4 sqft area and wait a few minutes. If turf pests are present they should come to the surface and be able to be seen. Apply insecticide as needed.
Turf Disease Alert: The month of June is more of the same. Turf disease are still active and identification is key. Brown Patch, Leaf Spot, and Take All Patch are among the most common in the month of June. Brown patch generally has an area of turf yellowing/browning and that area continues to spread. Centipede Brown Patch-look for brown to reddish colored areas. St. Augustine Brown Patch-Brownish patch and often a yellow halo around the outer edges and the affected area. Leaf spot symptoms appear as small dark purple to black spots which enlarge with centers fading to tan, often with a yellow halo. Take all patch is a serious turf disease that causes root rot. It is cause by a soil borne fungus. Reduce standing water and areas that retain moisture. Also, early morning watering is best to prevent turf diseases. Apply fungicides to help control these diseases.
Mosquito Control: Mosquitos are still active. Remove all standing water, including old tires, buckets, pet bowls, etc. to help prevent breeding grounds for mosquitos. Gutters are also a great place for mosquitos to congregate. Keeping clean gutters will prevent excess moisture which will deter mosquito breeding. Apply an insecticide with fast knockdown, long residual, and an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) to actually help break the life cycle.
Tree and Shrub Care
Inspection: Always inspect your landscape for insect and disease activity. We are in an ideal
geographical location for both.
Watering: Water 1.5”-2” of precipitation per week is recommended. Remember, do not over-water. If mother nature provides the precipitation, watering may not be needed. Over-watering can quickly cause root rot.
Fertilizer: Very little fertilizer if any should be applied this time of the year unless your plants are showing signs of malnutrition.
Insect and Disease Control: Control and prevent ornamental pest and diseases by applying a contact insecticide for a quick knock down and a fungicide to control and prevent turf diseases. Common pest this time of the year are scale, aphids, lace bugs, etc.

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