Page 8 - Lawn & Landscape Guide AL
P. 8

 Watering: Water your lawn as needed. 1”-1.5” of precipitation per week is recommended. Generally, we get our fair share of rain this time of the year but if not, be prepared to water.
Fertilizer: Depending on temperatures, wait until the lawn is all but fully out of dormancy before applying nitrogen fertilizer. Once your lawn is totally green, apply 1⁄2 of nitrogen per 1000 sqft. This will encourage lawn green up and promote health. Nitrogen is a plant’s most vital nutrient. Nitrogen and turf diseases do not mix. Nitrogen often time helps fuel or spread the fungus.
Pre-emergent: Weeds are active and some have yet to germinate. Apply pre-emergent to catch late germinating weeds or to extend your earlier applied pre-emergent. If you have yet to apply a pre- emergent at this point, GET IT DOWN NOW. Multiple early pre-emergent are recommended for best results.
Post-emergent: Weeds are definitely up and active and controlling them early, is always best. Apply post-emergent herbicide targeted for your specific weeds.
Fire Ants: Fire ant stings are very painful and are no joke! They thrive in warmer temperatures and but they are active 12 months a year. Fire ants search for areas of direct sunlight so your lawn is a perfect fit. Their mounds can develop very quickly especially after rainfall. Broadcasting baits are most effective.

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