P. 14

 Chemical Spill or Release
Chemical spills must be reported promptly and properly cleaned-up. To report a spill, contact Security at extension 12222 or Facility Maintenance at (901) 299-2003.
Before cleaning up a chemical spill, you should:
Determine the spill hazard level (low or high):
Your supervisor/manager or EH&S department can assist in determining hazard level
• Low Hazard Spill – Less than one gallon and no immediate risk to employee health
• High Hazard Spill – More than one gallon, poses an immediate risk to health, highly flammable/explosive, highly reactive, corrosive, or poses an inhalation risk.
For Low Hazard Spills:
• Alert or Evacuate employees from the immediate spill area.
• Have a co-worker notify your supervisor and the EH&S department.
• If safe to do so, shut down all ignition sources and equipment associated with the spill.
• Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the spilled chemical for personal protective equipment (PPE) and appropriate clean-up procedures.
For High Hazard Spills:
• Contact Security – Telephone (901) 379-1132 • Contact EH&S – Extension 11165 or
Telephone (901) 581-7582
• Contact Facility Maintenance – Telephone
(901) 379-1186 or (901) 299-2003
• Brother Management will evaluate high hazard spills
and determine appropriate action

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