Page 1 - NAGC21 Daily News Saturday 11-13-21
P. 1
8 AM—4:45 PM
Various Rooms NAGC conventions are historically known to pack a lot into a
short period of time and Friday proved no different! NAGC21 at-
tendees started gathering just after sunrise and ended the day
9AM - 3PM long after sunset. Early risers greeted the day with a Morning
Meditation sponsored by the NAGC Social & Emotional Develop-
ment Network. Simultaneously, several dozen convention new-
bies gathered for the First-Timers Orientation for tips on how to
make the most of their convention experience.
11: 30 AM– 1 PM
For the first time, NAGC is hosting a virtual component to the con-
Valley 1 and Valley 2
vention, with livestreamed sessions broadcast to hundreds of vir-
Buy your lunch at the Grab-and-Go in tual attendees who are experiencing NAGC from their homes.
the Exhibit Hall and join parents and On Friday (and again on Saturday), 3 sessions were broadcast
caregivers for informal discussions each day from the Aurora Ballroom where both in-person and vir-
tual attendees enjoyed the presentations together.
And, after an invigorating day of breakout sessions, networking,
and sharing best practices, several evening events culminated a
Crest 4/5 rewarding day. Numerous awards were presented last night at
NAGC’s Annual Celebration of Excellence to both veterans and
rising talent in the field of gifted and talented. Among them in-
Access Zoom link to the event via the cluded the prestigious Ann E. Isaacs Founders Award, presented
Sessions tile at NAGC21 website or to Dr. Del Siegle, Director, National Center for Research on Gifted
scan QR code below: Education at the University of Connecticut, for his significant con-
tributions to the field of gifted and talented education throughout
his career. Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli, Board of Trustees Distin-
guished Professor, University of Connecticut, received the Presi-
dent’s Award. For a complete list of this year’s NAGC award re-
cipients, please turn to pages 3 - 5. NAGC extends heartfelt ap-
preciation to all award recipients for their lifelong commitment
and many accomplishments to improve the lives of gifted chil-
dren at home, school, and in their communities.
Attendees wrapped up the day at the NAGC Soiree, which
proved to be a lively gathering, complete with DJ, line dancing,
and silent auction item review—all hosted by Richard Cash,
Ed.D., nRich Educational Consulting, Minneapolis, MN.