Page 12 - 2025 Defensive Playbook
P. 12

Why Tite Front?
● DL
○ 2 4s from the tackles and a 0 from the nose
○ Attack and react vs. react and attack
○ Technique options for Nose
■ Lag/slant/push
○ Reading Guard / bubble
○ Playside LB covers C gap, backside LB A gap
○ 2x2/2 back= 30s, 3x1 attached= 50, 00 3x1 open= APEX, 00
● 2 OLBs
○ Reading end man on the line
○ x2 = APEX, (split the difference) x1= 5t, attached Y= 7t
○ Down block = “steal his wallet”

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