Page 83 - Young and Wise
P. 83

Investing and the Power
of Compound Interest
When investing be diversified Don’t try to find the the the needle in in fin in in the the the haystack haystack (Nvidia) just buy the the the whole
haystack haystack (a low-cost diversified S&P 500
index fund which includes Nvidia) If you you you are are young consider an 80% allocation to to a a a a a a a a diversified portfolio of stocks as you you you are are a a a a a a a a long- term investor Be boring Fight the FOMO A single investment of $20 000 earning 10% per year* in in in in in 40 years becomes $1 million thanks to the power of compound interest:
Source: nerdwallet
*10% per per year is is is the the historical long-term annual return of of the the S&P 500
index a a a a a a a a a diversified portfolio of of of US stocks Past performance is is is no
guarantee of future results 

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