Page 24 - 82nd Commencement
P. 24
Friday 7:30AM
• Bring FP pins & Boutonnieres to SLC for pinning - in Main Office
• Bring buckets of water from Prep to Arena or move waters from walk-in frig to food
service areas for distribution
• Put Bottle water (COLD) under stage chairs and VIP seats
• Hand out programs to graduation guests – Main Arena doors
• Greeting guests from garage and buses into the arena
• Assist attendees needing accessible seating find location inside arena (plus one)
• Station students around Arena for directional help (bathrooms, first aid station)
• Towards the end of the ceremony, move waters outside to tables on grass between
the Arena and Barone Campus Center
Friday Lead Student Student Student
Bring Pins to SLC
Bring Boutineers to SLC
Check water at each chair of stage
Check water in other locations
Mahoney Arena – Friday Lead Student Student Student
Assist guest with accessible seats
Greeters outside arena
Serve as ushers in Arena
Set-up reception area Norell
Handicap seating signs
Reserved seating sign placement
Mahoney Arena – Thursday Lead Student Student Student
Post event
Outside arena thanking all guests
Return Programs to the main office
Return used tickets to the office
Return diploma holders to office
Return tablecloths to office
Return flags and banners to office
Throw out seating signs
Bring all water to SLC
Bring water buckets to SLC
Breakdown chairs in SLC Guarino
Return musical instruments - B301
Return parking cones to office
Return water and cookies to office
Post Graduation
• Bring buckets, programs, all stuff back to Main Office
• Help as needed with moving guests back to garage
• Wait for the buses with guests and help getting them on buses
• Return to Mrs. Royal at the cookies & water tables and bring extra waters and cookies
back to Prep