Page 11 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 11
Our intuitive mind has the ability to sift through piles of information and hone in on what is important — not to others, but to YOU.
The experts of all kinds often offer very conflicting advice. Will their specific advice work for you? Your Leader Within knows.
People from all walks of life provided input
Over 75 people were interviewed for this book. Some very successful depending on how you define success. A few examples...
General James King, LTG retired, for example, would go to his leader within before putting soldiers in harm’s way.
Venture capitalist Arjun Gupta goes within before making major investment decisions. He often reverses the people on his team who have all the “facts.” Get a feel for all of these people by hearing directly from Arjun using this link.
Arjun Gupta Section
Spar Street is an internationally acclaimed artist who spent years at great expense to develop a peace symbol with no apparent return. The return came more than a decade later.