Page 193 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 193
Unify in the morning
See the big picture and become conscious of how much you appreciate all that is going on in life. The earth traveling around the sun that comes up every day. Continue to do this until you feel a strong sense of energy.
Clear at night
Clear in the evening
Go back through your day. If there is a feeling of low energy or if you have any resentments, fears or angers, go through the following process:
Relationships. Did I feel a sense of resistance, anger or resentment in any of my relationships today? If so, go through the experiences in your mind and feel them as deeply as possible.
Then keep telling yourself that you are not seeing the real person. You are seeing a projection of that person. The perfect people are in my life. When I surrender, I know the perfect people are going to be there.
Sensual. This is a matter of integrating the base human desires, such as sexuality. Often there may be