Page 217 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 217

Vision. Develop a clear picture of living the intuitive life. Chapter 1 provides my vision of the life I wanted to live. I am now living that life. Another way to picture it is to develop one of the reminder systems suggested. Ask your internal guidance to help you here. Perhaps a question like:
“What does the intuitive life look and feel like for me?” Use the diagram to work your way through it. There are other exercises in Chapter 9 to help you do this work.
Daily Question. Formulate a daily question that you can ask yourself every night as you go to sleep and that you tune into as you wake up. For example: “How will I live my highest and best purpose tomorrow?” Or “What actions should I take to live my highest and best purpose tomorrow?” Or, if you have a pressing question where you want input, ask that question?
Quick Answer. You may already have this, but in Chapter 8 there are tools like the pendulum or muscle testing that will enable you to move immediately into quick answers.
Here, you adopt a tool such as a simple “yes or no” or use the tools shown to give you a bit more confidence in the answers you are getting.

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