Page 259 - Buku Paket Kelas 8 Matematika Semester 1
P. 259
Aufmann, R. N. , Lockwood, J. S., Nation, R. D., & Clegg, D. K. 2008. Mathematical Thinking and Quantitative Reasoning. Houghton Mifin ompany Boston.
Barnett . . 1. Elementary Algebra Structure and Use. meria MGra-ill n.
Bain L.. ngelhardt M. 12. Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics. disi Kedua. Belmont alifornia Dubury Press.
Barnett aymond . 1. Elementary Algebra Structure and Use. meria MGra-ill n.
Bluman .G. 2. robabili esified eleacing uide. S M Gra ill ompanies n.
roft . 22. udens negraed as odule or inear uncions 1.Oet Publiation. ooroloo ustralia.
reund ohn . onald . alpole. 1. aeaical aisics our diion. S Prentie all.
Kindt M. Dekker . and Burrill G. 2. lgebra rules aeaics in one. hiago nylopdia Britannia n.
Klerk . 2. Illustrated Maths Dictionary. 4th d. Melbourne Pearson duation ustralia.
Lappan G. ey . . itgerald . M. riel S. . Phillips . D. 2. oing raig ead inear elaionsi. onneted Mathematis. Boston Perason Prentie all.
Lappan G. ey . . itgerald . M. riel S. . Phillips . D. 2. a o ou ec robabili and eced alue. Connected Mathematis. Boston Perason Prentie all.
Lappan G. ey . . itgerald . M. riel S. . Phillips . D. 2. ariables and aerns nroducing lgebra. onneted Mathematis. Boston Perason Prentie all.
Lappan G. ey . . itgerald . M. riel S. . Phillips . D. 2. ooking or agoras e agorean eore. Connected Mathematis. Boston Perason Prentie all.
Lappan G. ey . . itgerald . M. riel S. . Phillips . D. 2. ales and oulaions aa and aisics. Connected Mathematis. Boston Perason Prentie all.
Kurikulum 2013 MATEMATIKA