Page 26 - Buku Paket Kelas 9 Bahasa Inggris .pdf
P. 26

Edo: Lina:
Siti: Udin: Dayu:
Observing & Questioning
“Why don’t we go back to SMP Sumber Ilmu tomorrow
to look closely at their wall magazine.
We will know what kinds of texts are published there.”
“I agree with Beni. We will also look at the layout and
the decoration. Do you remember the color of the background.” “Sorry, I don’t. What if we just ask for their permission
to take a picture of the magazine?”
“I think the best thing to do is to meet the team who manages the magazine.”
“I agree with Siti. We can ask them a lot of questions.
I think they will be happy to help us start our wall magazine.” “That’s a very good idea. We need their help to plan our
wall magazine.”
      20 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

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