Page 1 - MAIN News No 01 August 2021
P. 1

Issue No. 01. August 2021


             MAINNEWS is issued by Bali Monkey Aid Network.

                              Art Direction and Editing: RiverValley Design.

        Meet Merdut

        Last week Bali Animal Defenders provided our
        WhatsApp number to a concerned person who

        spotted a monkey living in a very tiny space
        with no sunlight or any comfort whatsoever.

        MAIN's Emergency Rescue             able to get the monkey out of
        Team responded inmidiately          his prison and transported him
        to the distress call. What they     to the clinic of Bali Central Vet.
        found at the given location         At the clinic the competent
        was a male monkey housed            staff of Dr Kadek conducted
        in a hole in a wall with a living   a medical examination. The
        space of not more then 75 x         monkey has already received
        75 cm! The monkey used to           his rabies vaccine. A  feacial
        be a pet but became agres-          test confirmed that no worms          MAIN's rescue team was
        sive (monkeys are no pets!)         or parasites are visible. Also           shocked by Merdut's                            first decent
                                                                                     housing conditions.
        and was put in the hole in total  no outside wounds were de-                                                                  meal at
        isolation. He was there for al-     tected. On the way to the clinic                                                           MAIN
        ready 2 years.  Assisted by Dr      the Rescue Team named the          After the full medical examina-
        Sulham, the MAIN team was           monkey Merdut.                     tion Merdut was transported
                                                                               to the MAIN premises. He will
                                                                               stay in quarantine for the next
                                                                               14 days. After that he will be
                                                         After being seda-     included in our release pro-
                                                          ted Merdut was       gram.
                                                           rushed to Bali
                                                         Central Vet for a     We would like to thank Dr Sul-
                                                         full medical exa-     ham who accompanied MAIN's
                                                             mination.         Emercency Rescue Team with

                                                                               the rescue. And Bali Central
                                                                               Vet for the medical examina-

                                                                       MAIN is in the process of obtaining a foundation licence, a so
                                                                       called 'Yayasan'. Due to Covid-19 this process has been con-
                                                                       siderablay delayed. Therefore MAIN is temporarily operating
                                                                       under the umbrella of JAAN (Jakarta Animal Aid Netwerk).
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