Page 10 - Telecom Reseller January-February 2020
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           10 Telecom Reseller e for January/February 2020
The Business Cas
ASK THE Telecom Pro
    A Center of Excellence
TIMOTHY C. sale(sUpCr)oids euxctetinvdiitnyg. iThts remfiint atoncoivaelrvtahelue of the COLWELL entire Poly range – following the Plantronics
 by Timothy C. Colwell, SVP Eciency First® Adoption – AOTMP (
Nuvias, the EMEA high-value distributor, announced the Prodoscore Partner Program,
legislationA BELMONT, CA & SAN JOSE, CA -
The key to crafting a successful business case for a telecom, mobility, andITmanagementcenterof excellence (CoE) lies in the measurable value that the CoE delivers to the business. This requires deep understanding of how technology is used by the business to achieve its objectives. To gain visibility into required details, engage business stakeholders to understand the role technology plays in supportingfinancialperformanceand operational excellence within each business unit.
Telecom, mobility, and IT technology is an operating expense that impacts margin
CoEp.ortfolio by achieving Distributor status for providers, and consultants the ability to
Nextiva Launches First Channel Partner Demand Suite & Marketing Program
user experience. Our ability to deliver an
We can confidently say that we have the be FCC can pursue violations for
New CoNEXtion program is designed to drive partner success by delivering comprehensive marketing and demand generation solutions
Streamlined email automation and analytics
Professional landing page generator Seamless social content syndication Partner event concierge
Digital and onsite events-in-a-box
quality end-point devices to offer a truly CapopNlicEatXiotniosnli’ksesCuRitMeoanfdtoUoClsaawSiplllatefmormpos.wer
London - Masergy, the leading account management te
Scottsdale, AZ – January 8, 2020 – Nextiva
(, a leading business
communications company, today announced DIY sales incentives and promotions
unique financing solutions through Nuvias
programme – doubling its revenue UK.”
Nextiva Demand Days – onsite lead end-to-endmarketingprogramforpartners. syndication
CoNlimEiXtetdiotonthe UK at the present time
the launch of CoNEXtion, the industry’s first
Learnmowreealtcwowmw.nexstipvaa.crotmn.■ers pleaseemailusatvoiprental@voipsup Masergy has also gained a lot of for our partners is boun
CoNEXtion utilizes quality lead syndication and more than a dozen demand generation tools to provide Nextiva’s partners with the ability to uncover leads from the top of the funnel to close of a sale.
With the launch of CoNEXtion, Nextiva
is the first company to offer a powerful, comprehensive, and easy to use suite of marketing resources specifically designed for partners. In addition to traditionally offered resources like marketing development
funds (MDF), campaigns-in-a-box, and co-branded collateral, CoNEXtion provides partners with 11 demand generation tools and resources including:
Dedicated field marketing managers Nextiva’s regionally located field
marketing managers operate as an extension of the partner’s marketing team to help navigate, effectively execute, and report on CoNEXtion.
“CoNEXtion is the culmination of years of observing what works and what doesn’t in the channel,” said MeiLee Langley, an industry veteran and Nextiva’s Director
of Channel Marketing. “Most providers miss the mark when it comes to channel marketing, because they fail to arm partners with the tools to develop and manage a true demand gen strategy. Many of our partners understand the difference great marketing
of all backgrounds traction in developing its alliance
Peerless’ high-quality VoIP solutions now available in Telarus Master Agent network
CHICAGO, IL - Peerless
Network, a leading-edge provider of telecommunications services and a global disruptor in the telecom industry, delivering the highest quality voice solutions for enterprise customers worldwide, has announced it is expanding its global partner network with the addition of Telarus, the largest privately-held distributor and Master Agent of business cloud infrastructure and contact center services.
As a partner, Telarus’ extensive channel of more than 4,000 sales agents and advisors
can offer their enterprise customers immediate access to Peerless Network’s vast and cutting-edge portfolio of high-quality voice products, services and platforms
that are connected to every major carrier and cater to enterprises with multinational locations utilizing voice, SIP trunking and UCaaS services.
“Peerless Network is proud to partner with Telarus and its network of trusted technology experts to promote our robust portfolio of voice solutions to enterprises throughout the U.S. and Europe,” stated Rick Knight, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Peerless Network.
Peerless Network’s automated platforms
September/October 2018
RingCentral and Zoom Vi
m Re
Nuvias awarded
February 2020
Announces the
partners to deepen relationships
for Poly
Multi-Year Extension of
Building on its successful collaboration with
with an AI solution that addresses multiple l Freeing capital by identifying customer needs. Machine Learning delivers operational expenditures.
improve the contact-to-sale ratio increases
acquisition of Polycom
productivity optimization company, has
Will the new robocall
quantifying the measurable impact of the
technology delivered and supported by the
stop unlawful
“Our architecture is video-fir and optimized to dynamicall deliver reliable, high-quality devices and spaces. We’re exc our relationship to enable m
is extending the reach of its UC vendor giving channel partners, managed service
RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE:RNGc),allesa?ding
provider of global enterprise cloud
communications, collaboration, and
contact center solutions and Zoom Video
Communications, Inc. (“Zoom”) (NASDAQ: to replace their legacy system ZM),aleaderinmodernenterprisevideo- cloudsolutions.”
the Poly headset range across the UK, France AbriCngoEinncoavnataivlesoansduapcptionratbolepAerI atotioolsntaol
and the Benelux.
a broad range of customers. Partners will
excellence at the individual and business
Poly, combining excellence in voice and receive customizable Go-To-Market and
unit levels. Understanding the technical
video communication technology from sales enablement tools, free demo accounts,
requPiorleycmomenatnsdfPolranetarocnhicus,soeffrearsiwnneollvatsive, lead sharing opportunities, and lucrative
The Pallone-Thune TRACED
marvkoeicteincogllsatbroartaetigoinesmanrkdetdseogmtheenitr. Pjolbys more Machine Learning and Natural Language
and adds kaedyonepwt chaallnaneultrheseonutricceastion Masergy to head up the
enhances these solutions with its high- effePcrtoicveesslyintghAaPnIse, vfreormbdeaftoarge.”nerated by cloud
technologies over the next
unique voice and video collaboration Partners can continue delivering returns on partners to launch and manage digital, portfolio for the channel. Partners can also
18 months without issuing
their current technology stack.
Capital, helping organisations to accelerate
towarWdsidelimVainriaetyinogfoVvoeIrP5P0roducts (phones, conf nearly 80 in the last 12 months. excited to be joining the
advocates and industry thought leaders.
generating European partners to Nerland adds, “I’m inc
partner growth.
For more information, visit billion roboQ
The flexible program
calls Americans
* Nuvias Capital services are available are
The company remains on track to team and executing on i
they already provide. proactive insights for all depart
have joint winsrwecitehIfimvyeodrueltahsrateny1ine50ater.rested pinlanjos tino idnrgivethcoentVinouIePd More at n partners by the end of the year. the Channel. The marke
and I know that we are p positioned with our inno
001_012_TR_MayJune2019.indd 10 001_016_TR_SeptOct2018.indd 13
enhances the value of services and solutions
landlines sooner rather
before it can be fully sunset. There have been various
A kiosk reception
Office 365, UCMA Application Development, L
solution exclusively
predictions that range from 2024 to 2030; however, this does not mean it will be a slow transition for all. Slate this topic for business review meetings with each of your PSTN providers in 2020 and enquire about specic transition plans, dates, and notication protocols to gain more insight on the impact of PSTN retirement for your organization.
Cloud PBX (UCaaS), Peerless Portal (self-
from Softel
provisioning SIP trunking platform) and ANImate (number management system) enable enterprises and channel partners to easily provision and manage SIP trunking
channels, telephone numbers, local and
domestic/international long-distance, and toll-free services for multiple locations
and from one advanced system. Peerless’ Application to Enterprise Messaging (A2P) provides SMS/MMS messaging support for
To read this article further please visit
PRODOSCORE GIVES PARTNERS ACCESS TO customer’s entire organization.
uctiv Prodoscore partners are differentiated because their customers to benefits inclu
than later. Desire aside,
rce p
Why Join the VoIP Supply
provider of managed SD-WAN, has extensive experienc
cloud communications and manageFdast & EathseyUtKoCAhpanpnleyl f—or Osenver
line item charges for call
 '' Telecom, Polycom, Nuvias Unified Communications Partner Program
they are on the front-lines of innovation exclusive to:
   mobility, and IT technology is an operating expense thatimpacts margin and prot.
and profit. Optimizing expense is one
way to impact financial performance, but technology can also influence revenue. Understanding how technology automates businesstransactions,acceleratesrevenue opportunities, and provides competitive advantage, enables technology leaders to model and quantify CoE value. For example, technology that enables a sales team to
rateIRoVfINinEc,rCeAas-ePirnodtohsicsoreexTMa, mthepwleoriksftohrce key to
 smart solutions for the modern workspace, traicnominmgiassniodns.uThppeoProtdnoesceodrsePeanratnbelrePsrtohgeram
first unified communications solutions, “We are happy to continue
making it a perfect fit for Nuvias’ UC range. empowers partners to assist new and existing CoE to implement frictionless technology
have announced a multi-year extension of partnership with Zoom to br
Intuitive, mobile, interoperable, Poly’s customers to improve corporate performance
their partnership. This extension will allow best video experience to our
delivery that decreases delivery time and
Abuse Criminal Enforcement
collaborative solutions are designed to
and create a more productive workforce while
RingCentral customers to continue replacing said Vlad Shmunis, Founder,
increenasbelespuetoiplilzeatotiboenpcrodmucptievteewnhceyr.eLveorst opening a revenue stream at the leading edge of
their legacy on-parenmdisDe ceotmemrruenniccaetioAnsct) gives and CEO, RingCentral. “Our
productivity due to unavailable technology,
the Federal Communications
they are, across multiple collaboration
infrastructure with a best-in-class solution communications solutions ar
the growing AI/ML software space.
Commission (FCC) additional
time “sPpreondotswcoarietsintagndosnoubtrbeeackau-sfiexpraretsnoelrus tion,
that leverages the combined power of for today’s mobile, global and
Steve Harris, MD Nuvias Unified
can leverage the value proposition to win
RingCentral’s cloud PBX and Zoom’s video workforce. Our partnership
and time spent learning how to use
tools to ght unlawful
communications platform. extends the capabilities of Ri techcnololalboogryatihoansaandreuanlificeodscto.mRmeluanticnagtiotnhsecost “Wehavehadroasbtrocnaglplsar.tnTehrsehiFpCwCithcannowplatformwithworld-classvid
Communications said, “We are experts in new customers and grow revenue from their
existing base, ultimately increasing their total
RingCentral ovneremvainoylyaetaorsr,senoafbltinhgethTeemlephonceommunications capabilities.
This partnership between t leaders will continue to provi customers with best-in-class
of titmechentoloegaycfhoruthserchsapnennelt. Wone hthavesae and other lifetime value,” said Michael Sterl, CEO of Carve
Consumer Protection
long history of enabling partners to take nonD-ipgirtaoldaundctCivloeutdeOchptniko.l“oIgliyk-ertehlattaedsinagcletivities
to bring our frictionless video platform to
best-in-class solutions to their customers solution can help partners expand their services
their global customers,” said Eric S. Yuan,
sheds light on the value of operational
Act (TCPA) without the
and the addition of the Poly headset
to the C-suite, sales, marketing, and support
Founder, Chairman and CEO of Zoom.
excellence to the business. ■
portfolio enables us to further enhance the
requirement to rst issue a warning citation and the
Act (Telephone Robocall
 end-to-end UC solution from Poly means
that our partners can provide a fully-
MasergwiydesAt vanrientyofuVonIPcPreodsuctSs fior devoerlodepreindgspolamtfoertmhiHnUgBn,epvroevrisbioenfoinrgeasneden oflimitationpreviously
can make, but many don’t have the time or
industry. Our Device as a Service (DaaS) rent up to four years as opposed
integrated, interoperable solution, deployed The product’s architecture makes it an inherent
to the one year statute
tools to execute fruitful strategies. We’ve
and managed via our two-tier online complement to a partner’s existing technology
Programme Growth in
portfolio by allowing them to provide additional management tools Dovetail.”
established. Additionally,
witsherCvioceNs wEiXthtoioutnc;aIn’nmibtahlizrinllgetdheNiresxtatpilvea is
Nuvias Unified Communications
product lines. Prodoscore’s technology creates
the FCC can now require all telephone providers to
now providing the best possible solution for
incorporates technologies from multiple Actionable AnalyticsTM using a proprietary
channel partners to easily create end-to-end
vendors for the fast-growing video and algorithm paired with Google Cloud Platform’s
Doubles European channel partners Nerland, industry vetera
  existing solutions because customers will
security solutions, has announced providers and is perfectl significanuttghroewnthicoaftitisoCnhtaonnceulstomers. to deliver the Masergy vi
sociaclc,eassnDdeevivcen-ats-ma-aSerrkveictein(Dg asatSr)aatengdioetsh.eThr ese discover new insights from data already within
TRACED is a positive step
Approved Within
tools will position them both as Nextiva
 ranging from Salesforce
MCoEnDsIuAltPanAtCsKto Telco Cisco retired
The flexible program welcomes partners
explains, “We’re amplif
TELECOM Telephone service providers
of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce
new opportunities in the channel.
relationships in Europe, including
Rent Brands
 its Global premier partnership with Driven by EMEA Managing Director
solutions and industry-l customer experience to achieve their goals.”
 2018 in the US?
Masergy has placed co
Ma combining t
excellen strategic
Let Softel take your e
Steve Harrington, Masergy is combining technical excellence with strategic channel support. Harrington
revenue capabilities and driving
ying partner
 Quality lead syndication
Peerless Network Expands Channel Program,
Consultants to Telco Agents. Prodoscore
In order to continue this success,
is a great fit for channel partners in the communications space looking to change
are aggressively investing
has doubled,iannIdPwien’fvreabsotlsrtuecretdure to
with the market because it provides additional
replace the public switched
premise to UToCllaFarSe.eC: 8o0n0su6l6t7a-n8t9s6a5nd SIs already
our partner training programmes.
in the Salesforce and Google ecosystems will
Most providers would
be able tocoafftegroaryn/oin-pcroinmtp/tetliencgompr-oduct that
prefer to turn o traditional
the UK account management team
In addition to this investment, I am
telephone network (PSTN).
pleased to announce that Emily
 Announces Partnership with Telarus
be geographically available
PSTN’s replacement must
Microsoft Skype for Business integration with
complete sunset date
 0535_TR_JanFeb2020.indd 10
24/01/2020 15:36
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