Page 12 - October November 2014
P. 12
12 Telecom Reseller Telecom Reseller
October/November 2014
March/April 2014
Q: One of my supervisors asked me about could have the basic Meet-Me Conferencing
you can leave it blank. You then build a Vector
setting up a conference call. I am familiar
(G3V11 and higher) which allows up to 6
that routes the callers to the Meet-Me Conference.
with the standard conference ability the system parties in a conference, or Expanded Meet-Me
If you entered an access code in the VDN, you
has, but he wanted to know about having the users Conferencing (G3V13 and higher) which can
by Walt Medak
call in to the conference rather than him having
allow up to 300 parties in a conference. Both of
if it matches, you would route the caller to the
Avaya demystiied
these function the same way. Essentially, you set
toial each of them. I read something about that,
conference. Subscriptions
By Walt Medak
Or change address, unsubscribe: 17413 SE 28th Street, Vancouver, WA 98683
but I’m not sure how it works.
up a VDN that will be used as the “call in number”
he traditional meCtahll 5o61d-73o2f-23c3o5 nferencing, where gives you the options “n”, which means if
tie line. There is a delay getting the point to point
Qall ports on the announcement board are
circuit installed, so I placed on order for some analog
Web • E-mail
the originator calls each participant and adds them Advertising
What your supervisor is describing
for the conference. On the VDN form, you need
I’m trying to set up an announcement, or rather to the caClalllm360a2n60u-9a70l8ly• Tosltl Firlelew80o0 6r6k7-s89l6i5k• Feaxit36a0 l2w60-a97y2s6 has. is called Meet-Me Conferencing.
to set the “Meet-me Conference” ield to “y”. It is
busy the caller won’t hear the announce-
DID trunks for the new location to carry the new
more like our company infomercial, to play to
Web • E-mail
callers waiting in queue for our call center. I have a ment, “y”, which means if the ports are
numbers. I know it’s old technology, but so is the
News Department
And as always, if you have any questions please
Depending on your particular CM sotware
also highly recommended that you enter a number
TN2501 VAL board, and I’ve loaded announcements version and the licensing on your system, you
in the “Conference Access Code” ield, although
caPlllea8se0e0-m-a4il a5rt2icl-es6a4nd7p7re,ssorerleavseisaistauttaschmaetntws inwMwicr.omsofteWdoardkfo.rcmoatmto . Suggested length is 250-300 words. At the end of the article, all busy the system will wait until a port
Deinity we’re using and it still works ine. However,
is available and then start the caller at the
on it before, but those have all been the “play once please provide contact information. Do not send graphics. We reserve the right to edit the orders got mixed up somehow, and the provider
and move on” type. This new recording is supposed for content and length.
For further clariication, please visit and click on Submission Revolabs ShippingAward-Winning
beginning of the announcement, or “b” is telling me the DID numbers are pointed to the CO
to play continually until the caller is answered. How
twGeuideetlieners. Oaunr EditomrialiCdale-nwdaro(aolsofoenrlines)piseusaefkulefor apeplroepmriatesnubtjesct.matter.
which functions essentially the same way trunks. I didn’t think that was possible.
Equipped with four microphones, a wider
do I set it up to do that?
“integ-mus” does. One thing to keep in In short, you’re right, it’s not pos-
Publisher and Director of Advertising
FLX UC 500 Co
frequency response, and higher power than
AnferencePhmind if you use one of the repeating type
Douglas Green,
There are a couple options for setting typical USB audio devices, the FLX UC 500
sible. On an analog DID trunk, there of announcements, once the vector hits the is usually a signal sent between the central Deputy Publisher
up a repeating announcement depend- step that plays the announcement it will ofice and the PBX to initiate the call, and
brings professionaElx-egcruatdive sEoduitnord to uniied Carole Sangiorgio
e ca
then the provider will send DTMF digits
communication applications. Aggressively
ing on exactly how you want it to func-
t step
Jef Owen
ll is
in t
til th
Rtion. The TN2501 has 31 ports available
to play back the announcements to call-
priced at an MSRP of $399, the FLX UC 500 sets
nected to an agent, the caller presses a digit
to the PBX. The PBX will then route the
TracyTitusers. The call volume in your call center
an entirely new pricCeo/pyeErdfoitromr ance standard. evolabs announced that the company w(iofrykospuacpelsayantdhceoannfenroenucneceromoemnst. as part of a
coanllferbeansceindg oeansytahned You
“collect” step), or the caller hangs up. The
would typically have the provider send the
Michelle Moody
would determine, to an extent, how you
is shipping its FLX UC 500 USB “We designed our FLX UC 500 conference
with best-in-class audio through innovative
Designed speciically for conference rooms,
vector will not just continue to process like
number of digits that match your extension
Technology Editor
conference phone, the award- phone to create a seamless extension to any
engineering solutions for echo cancellation and
small oices, anRady Hhorauk,draydholreak@ruoseornmewss.c,omthe FLX UC wanted to set up the announcement. When
Graphic Design and Production
it does with a non-repeating announcement.
number length, and hopefully, you have
500 ensures audio clarity while ofering full
winning solution that brings high-idelity computer-based uniied communications
higher bandwidth in a smart and stylish sound-
you add the announcement itself with the
scoumndmtaonedve“rayddayacnonmopuuntcere-mbaesnetd xuxnxiixe”d, you
your extension numbers match the DID
Spritzer Type and Design
application while delivering an exceptional
driven unit.”
duplex support for clear calls with simultaneous
We are in the process of opening a new oice
cwoomumldunsieclaetciot ntsh.e type as either “integ-rep” oundjuesxtpaefreiewncbelotchkastaiwsaexypferocmtedoubrutm,auintiolice. phone number range. So for example, your
audio capture and playback. Users can connect
The publishers of this newspaper assume no responsibility for statements made by adver-
extension number would be 1234 and your
tisers in their advertisements, nor do they assume responsibility for statements or opinions
orF“eiantutergin-gmduusa”l.spIefaykeoruelcehmoesnets“,ifnotuerg-mus”, 2014 Product of the Year, Revolabs’ eye-
the FLX UC 500 via USB to a PC, Mac®, or DID number would be 555-1234. You
nIopwla,cneodtadneloivredreerdwfoitrhetnhterproivseidceursthoamtearlsr,”eady expressed or implied in the columns of this newspaper.
mthiecr“oQphuoenues”,ainedldinitseagurattoemdaectihcoalclaynscetlltaotio“nb,” ChromebookMforusewithSkypeM,Microsot®
Newspaper delivery to conference performed by CTS Air Service
would ask the provider to send the last four
be connected to the same playback port and
digits of your number so the call would just
Lync®,CiscoJabber,WebEx®,andmanyother audioqualityincommunicationapplications
new location. This new oice will probably just be
audio standard for uniied communication
“Already well-received across the
during meetings and online collaboration by
will just start hearing the message wherever
a temporary solution, so I order a new block of DID
route directly to your phone. On a ground
applications in settings such as desktop
marketplace, the FLX UC 500 keeps Web
providing powerful, high-idelity audio using
it happens to be during it’s playback cycle. numbers to come in to our main oice on the exist- start CO trunk group (or loop start for that
More at
If you select “integ-rep”, the “Queue” ield
ing PRI, and planned on just routing them over the
See MEDAK, page 15
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Walt Medak & Associates, Inc.
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