Page 3 - November December 2018
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TShould you replace telephony with chatbots?
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Amy Ralls – Amy Ralls –
 VOGTEC Announces Introduction
throughout the day ensures that staff are not T3m) and a cordless handset supporting mobile missing important calls and are at maximum extension. It also offers a dual-band 2.4G/5G
of Cordless Mobex IP Phone,
productivity.” WiFi to offload traffic, lessen interference, and The Mobex WiFi SIP phone supports to ensure voice link, quality (Mobex T2, T2m),
o the WoBrOkpUGlaOcUeRD
the years, evolving from letters to phone spervoitceec,tiuosnin, ganthdepsraomviedewsicriunsgtoams yizoeudrObuSsiness’ wnor/d/shp/ekr/rm/vi.nIunteadwdhiteinonta, ltkhienpg.hone features
ewnateyrpforrisceu-gstroamdercsomtomquincikclaytiaonndseoalsuitliyocnosn. tact yoSuH, bEuNtZwHitEhNso, Cmhainya m- VetOhoGdTsEaCva, ialable, which
tsehchounlodloygoyuccohmoopsaen?y, has announced the
a d C d i h t i a o t n b o o t f s t a h n e d M o o n b l i e n x e I l P i v e p h c h o a n t e a . r V e O c o G n T s i E d C e r h e d a s t h e dmevoesltompeoddtehrenwcomrldm’sufinrisctamtionbimleehthanodhs,ewldith live ecxhteant csionsipshteonntley–coMmoibnegxuTp3t,rTu2m–psthinatscuarnveys. bOevuesredhatlhfrofucguhsotoumt aenrsowffiocueldbupirledfienrgtoancdhat to
m a o p b e i r l s e o h n a i n n d r h e e a l l d - t e i m x t e e n o s n i o l i n n e p o h v o e n r e a t h p a h t o c n o e v c e a r s l l r(oHamarirnisgRaeroseuanrdcht)h;ewwhoatr’lsdm–oMreo, bite’sxthTe3cmh,annel Tw2imth. tThheehwigihrelsetscsuVsotoIPmpehr osanteiscfaocntnioenctrsatoinag at
he way we communicate with our rPecToTve(rPyu. HshotsoteTdatlekl)e,pinhtoenrcyosmer,vVicPesNa,rQe oviSa, quaincdkeWstiwFiaryotaomcionmgmunudneicratthee; tshaemaeveSrSaIgDe ApePrs,on
eethneterrnpertisine-tegrnadeteosrecaucroitnyvaenrgdepdrfiivbarceybroadband tyspuepsp3o8r-t4in0gwWoridFsi astmanidnaurtde 8co0m2.p1a1read/ct/ob/1g2/5-175 calls to email and now website live chats. There’s Natasha Bougourd, Lead dbaatasendeotwnoArkn.droid. It provides more than SItI’sPeBssreonatdiaSlotfthacto,mwphaetnibitilcitoymcersttifiocation and
VnOoGgeTttEinCgiaswcoamy fmroimttetdhteofathcet tdheavteylopumneendt oaf WiFi network or uses a mobile data network 5H.5ohstoeudrsteolefptahlokntyimseeasnadtrmadoirteiotnhalnm10et0hod of coSmIPmauntoicpartiovnismionethanodsFfiormr cwuastroemOevresr,-the-
has c
ed d
y ove
communications and users have to switch to EXPERIENCE UDeploying UC Systems
button. However, you don’t benefit from your
Tony Zhao, CEO of, who provides
own app context if you don’t offer any integrated FOCUS ON CUSTOMER
by Ansley Hoke, Vice President,
Facebook or something else to talk to you. Traditionally communications was a For some businesses your apps are “social”- completely separate function--the home
-you are cnoinfiendectoinmgmpueonpicleattiognest(hUerCs)o rather pnhaovnigea,tainbgutshineseesstedcehsnkoplohgoinees, vbiudteaot the end
t h a n t a l k i mn g a n t o u f y a o c u t u , r t e h r e s y h t a a v l k e mt o a e d a e c h t r e o mt h e e n r . d o u s cofntfheerednacye, trhoeocmu,steotcm. Cero’smsamtisufnacictaiotinonwsitihs athne
ber andpAroirgbrensbs ainppths ecolansnt edcetctahde,rdigehvteploepoipnlge icnotemgpraletetedUsoCftewxaprercieonmcepoisntehnetotnhalyt mis ethaseurere of
totegcehthneorl.oAgny tehxatmhpelpesobfuascinliecsks-etso-staylkmapopre wsuhcecneesvsetrhnatemedaetdte,rbsu. Tht neotfoinllothweinwgasyt.eYposukeep the iscHonenlleocTtaeldktthant ceovenrn. eHcotswpeevoepr,leUtCogseytshtemr tso nfoeecdustofddeespiglonyainhgoUlisCticsycsutestmoms oenr ethxepernidenucseers,
problem for easy hassle-free embedding of real-time communications within Internet- tbhaesesdurarpopulnicdaitniognesnivsirtohnemlaecnkto, sfpQeuciafilcityindustry n o f e e E d x s p , e o r r i e r n e g c u e l ( a Qt o o r E y ) h . u I f r d c o l e n s n t h e c e t y i ’ o l l n n s e a e r d e t o j u m p tuhnrroeuligahb?leW, vhoilceecsukseteopmceursttminagyosuaty, athnedyvnideedo a pimaratgiceuslbareparkoduup,cthoernseprevoicpele, woilrlknwotituhstehtehmesteo fiemndbethdedreidghretaslo-ltuimtioencafoprabthileitiriesp.”ecific industry andThweorekacsounltuthrea.t traditional
teAlencoalmyzme uthneiceantvioirnosnhmasenbte:eThn aenoffiexcpesntsriuvcet,ure isojulasteadssiimlopiosrthaantiats tehcehtnecohlongoileosgwyeinreuse. Wprohpetrhietraritybaenedchmoaensaignincognrfearle-nticmeeronoemedss,loud ocapnenbeoffihacredl.aGyouotgs,leo,rjobirnigehdtbwyiCndisocwo,s,Mthoeziollffia,ce space can present significant challenges. To
leoacrcnasnieownallalnygfaulalgsehso.rTht ine paprapchtiacse,cnhoat bweicthause
doicfttihone atericehsn, otrlaongsyl,abtiuotnbbeceatwuseenoflathneguapagperos,ach,
girnasmtamllatriocnheacnkdinsgu,papnodrtpsrtornatuengcyi.ation guides.
WhThenenUeCedmeda,rukesetrpsrcolvicidkeasbaudtitzoznyitnogtarlkratyoof asThsimephlaerdaessttapyairntgiscpornondeucctiendgaanmdabzoinogsting anporothdeurctlas,naglul wagiethledairffneerrenant sypwehceifirecattoiopnrsacatnidce c p u r s o t o d mu c e t r i v e i x t y p , e o r r i e a n r c e e t s h . e A r p e p o l t e h ’ s e s r u c c o c n e s s s i d i s e r b a u t i i o l t n s ,
capabilities. Many resellers are well-versed in such as long-term growth goals, concerns with
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A powerful combination of industry-leading audio and video conferencing technology makes remote collaboration easier and more natural than ever before.
(WCDMA and LTE).
Applications Writer at TSG
choomumrsuonfisctatniodnbybrtoimugeh. At imntaoztohneA21CsMt ce(Antluexrya wCitahllicnlogu&d Mhoesstsinagi,nmg)a,kMinigcriot smoftorSekeyspsen, atinadl than eGveoro. NgloetHoannlygoduotevsetresleiopnhsownyillcboemamvauinlaibclaetiionn
p t r h o e v n i d e e a r c u f u s t t o u mr e e . r Ths w e i Mt h o t b h e e x o p p h p o o n r t e u i n s i w t y i d t o e l y huasvedreinalo-tffiimce,stewttoin-wgsaayncdominmhueanlitchactaioren,,riettalisl,o phrovspiditeasliatyp, earnsdonmaabnleuefaxcpteurriiengc,eafmavoonugreodthbeyr minadnuy.stries.
W Th h i e l s t M l i o v b e e c x h Wa t i h F a i s S h I P i g h p h c o u n s t e o f m e a e t r u s r e a s t i s i n f a c c l u t i d o e n leav2e.l4s-aincdhccuostlormsecrseeanredwisiplllianyg, atonbeuwyVfrooImP over aWchCaDtbMotA, im/ LpTleEmmenotbinilge tnheetsweosroklu(Mtioonbsex T2m, shouldn’t come at the expense of telephone
buAsirn(eFssOesTcAa)nt’toliemnsitutrheeomn-sleilnves.uTpopomretefot r cocnosnufimgueradteiomna, nsedtsu,pb,ubsainckeusspesanmdursetcnoovteoryn,laynd hanvewanfeaotnulrineseipnrcelsuedninceg,ubpugtrbaedainvagi,lbabulgefitxo,sapnedak t o m o o n r l i e n . e w h e t h e r t h a t ’ s v i a a s u p p o r t a g e n t o n l i v e chatForrcmhaotrbeoitns.foThrmeactoionncearbnoaurtoVuOndGtThEeCla,tter is thtahtecnheawtboMtsoabrexsItPillpehvonlvei,nagnadnodththeerrefore won’t beavaabilleabtoleapnrsowdeurcatsll,cvuisitoVmOerGqTuEeCri.ecso,mw.hich
c o P u r l o d d l u e a c v t s e c t a h n e m a l s f o r u b s e t r v a i t e e w d e . d a n d p u r c h a s e d tThhreosuegohnAlinmeaczomn.mFournimcaotrioeninmfoertmhoatdiso,n,
hovwiseitvVerO, sGhoTuElCdn.c’tocmo.mne at the expense of
“Mobility in the workplace is the trend, and otrvaedritaiohnuaml oanffifcoereaxnteinmsimonedpihatoenaenssawrerc,oanfidn2e1d% w t o o t u h l e d d e e v s e k n a b r u e a y . f Wr o h m e n o n s t e a . ff a r e n o t a t t h e i r deIts’sk,ctlehaerytchoautlbdumsinisessismespcoarntarnetapcaslilsgnoirfibceant rinewacacredssibyleimtoptlheemirencotilnlegagthuese,”dsiagyistaLl-afiwrrsetnce cLoium,mCEuOnicoaftVioOnGtoToElsC, b.u“Ot tuhregyosahloiusltdonb’trcinogme
a m t o t h r e e m e x o p b e i n l i s t e y , o a f n t d h e t h m e r o e r f e o r t r e a p d r i o t i d o u n c a t l i v s o i t l y u , t t i o o n s . Athlel bwuosriknpeslascees.mBueisntgbeabalveatiolatbalkeeotnhtehpehpohnoene fwoirthcuysotoumaserysowu hmoohvaevwe iuthrginentthqeubeuriledsinogr for those who still prefer phone calls. However, many
 telephone communication. Hosted telephony unusual to see websites without live chat options. businesses are operating on outdated telephony communications. According to the Office of will allow businesses to save money on this
73% (Econsultancy). It’s so prolific that it’s now
T4 Steps to BecominHEgNDaRIGCKlSobal Communicator, Part 2 customer communication. Gartner has estimated 2025. In response to the ISDN deadline, a number will those people contact you? transformation, the use of technology to improve that 85% of customer interactions will involve of businesses are making the move to hosted We can’t ignore the fact that, whilst up-and- processes, customer experience and ultimately chatbohtsebkyey20b2e0n,emfiteoafneinmgbtehdedAinIgtocloicl kw-oton-’t be telephony. conmainsigmopnlelirnaencdombemtteurndiceastigionncsoomluptaiorends awrieth pMrofiictraobsioliftty,, aisnadcohtihevearsb,lehains isnovmesatendy hwuanyds.reds
 According to experts, chatbots are not only the systems, still dependent on ISDN despite its National Statistics, 90% of UK households have traditional solution, thanks to the eradication of next step up from live chat but are the future of unreliability and the news that it will be retired in internet access, meaning 10% still don’t; how else capex costs and built-in disaster recovery. Digital
  seveeirnygognreealtsree.sThultesy, tweloerpkhtoirneyleissslytiltloasthaiyt with Boyfamdoilplitoings aofmdioxlloafrstriandbitriiongailnagntdogmeothdern shownmthoabt,ilwe hapepnliuctaitlisoends eisff“eccotnivtelxyt,”.cWhaittbhoints cloud-based phone solution which eliminates the cauhsetaodmoefrsth. AeirGcoomgpletsituodrsybfyoucnopdytihnagt a6n1d% of costmatme-uonf-itchaeti-oanrttroeoalls-,taimnde pteacrhtincouloargliyesuasindg
going acnayllwahnedrceliacnky-tiom-veidsoeond.irEevcitdlyenincteohas For the uninitiate
cuwsotoumldearcctliivceklsyachbouottsoent,odionetsernaoctlwooitkhuapchatbot no maintenance costs thanks to built-in disaster numbers or contact links and then pick up a
phone and start all over again. Your business
does not have to ask the customer who they their skills. Should establishing a customer-to- are and what they want--you already know customer social environment be a part of your
6 Steps for Successfully
this from what they did before they clicked the business strategy?
d, h
Article Originally Published on
uinrgneonvtaqtourearnieds,laeapdheornoercwaillliysounhdaovuebtoedpllyaythe catch-up to someone else who disrupts your business, leveraging mobility and apps as a tool?
sainvintigatmivoe.ney rather than increasing outgoings. n Amazon and Facebook are already using
WebRTC technologies. A new industry of
companies provide communications toolkits, mpiltaigtfaotremthse, saenfdacatsosirst,atnhceeintosthalellaptieovneoryf sound pcaonmelipnagn,ysuenmsbheaddreesaol-rtoimtheercormoomumniocdatiifiocnastions minigtohtthbeinr eocwesnsarpyptso, wgeithtohuetmhoavstinogutofbtehaesUC tebcihgnaoslFoagcyeybouokar.e providing. In addition to the phyCsicoaml smpuacnei,ctahtieocnosmaspanSyercvuilcteur(eCsahaoSu)ld be copnlastifdoerrmeds,paacrktiacguelathrleysgeitvecnhrneomloogtiestesloewaollrking emyopulonyeeds thoavdeodisiffderoepntaneAedpsptlehaonr lAoncadlrlyoid wSoDrkKiningteomypoluoryeaepsp–, ofrorabJaovthaSacurdipiot laibnrdarvyideo cointsoidyeoruartibornosw. ser, and everything else will be
tTaakkeentcimare otof.tTesotn: yMZahkaeotismayesto“CuasaeSapllltahtfeorms sytastkeemths eonhceeadinascthaelleodutinofthmeaonffiagcien, gbebfaocrke-end thsoeftcuwsatroemservoircethsethiraetmenpsluoyreegsl.oNbaolthQinugalisty of mEoxrpeefriuesntcreatfionrgvtohiacne fiandivnigdeoou.tMa borsatnadp-pnaenwd cowlelabbdoeravteilonpesprsacaereisnnoot nre-aful-nticmtioeneaxlpoenrtds,aaynodne. AwftietrhtaesgtoinogdisCcaoamS npleettwedo,rkcotnhseiydedroan’sttnageed rtoll- obuet.”ofStahfetUyCNestyAstcecmestso,Ianscm.EaslltanbulmishbersoRfeusaselers
Agreement With Phonesuite n
HOKE continuesonpage 7 ››
wheirle byuoiuldr ianpgploicyatliocnusftuonmcetirosnins, tihnefoprrmocaetisos.n prSestaernttawtitohnc, uanstdomliveer cnoemedms:uTnailckatoioynosuarll fit
t c o u g s e t t o h me r e r a s n - d w s u h p a p t d o r o t t t h h e e y t r a e s a k l l a y t n h e a e n d d ? . I s i t
anreaspuplt oinr wa 3eb0%jouinrcnreyasyeouinkcnoonwverxsaiocntlsy twhhano other need for telephoneBysyDsrtewmHheanrdrwickasre. One of its cionnsouvmatienrsg gtheteirnotwouncdhewsiigtnhsa. Wbuhsaint eissitvliakephinone cltohuedn-mbaaskedinpghtohneme syfrsetemans,dboupseine-ssocuarncerefospr ond
y is
t h c e o mc u ms t u o mn i e c r a t i i s o a n n s d . Wt h h e i a r t ’ s p a m s t o e r x e , p 6 e 1 r i % e n o c f e c . u Th s t e o m e r s k e y b e n e fi t s i s l o w e r c o s t s d u e t o n o c a p e x a n d w y o h u e r n i t n h d e u y s ’ r t e r y r ? e a A d r y e t y o o u p u a r c c u h s a t s o e m. A e d r d e x i t p i o e n r i a e l n l y c , e f o r t o e v c e u r s y t o o mn e e r t h s r q o u u i c g k h e t r h a e n Wd me b o R r T e C e ffi t e c c i h e n n t o l y l o w g y h i l s t
the global communications network for
ScanSource Catalyst (https://
applications like HelloTalk says, “The big
           CS-700 Video Sound BarTM
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