Page 7 - Telecom Reseller February-March 2020
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February/March 2020
How companies can protect themselves from cyberwarfare
a Meeting
T byTimothyC.Colwell,SVP Efficiency First® Adoption – AOTMP (
technology for the channel. We have a
lifetime value,” said Michael Sterl, CEO of Carve
Three Technkoliongtoy
hree telecom, mobility and IT leaders – a technology leader, an operations leader, and a finance
leader – walk into a meeting to present their accomplishments to various line of business leaders. The technology leader tells the business leaders about all the cutting-edge technology projects completed and in flight. The operations leader shares insights on process waste elimination and efficiencies gained. The finance leader speaks about successful cost takeout projects and planned budget alignments for the upcoming fiscal year.
The triad finished their presentations poised for a few questions and praise from the audience on their accomplishments. The questions flowed. How does a virtualized network improve my sales numbers? Why does it take so long to approve a smartphone upgrade? Why are my technology expense increasing year-over-year? Shaking their heads, the three telecom, mobility and IT leaders left the meeting mumbling that the business leaders just didn’t get it. And, they were right. The business leaders did not understand the value delivered against their
only concerned with the effect technology discover new insights from data already within
“Prodoscore stands out because partners
Steve Harris, MD Nuvias Unified
can leverage the value proposition to win
Communications said, “We are experts in new customers and grow revenue from their
collaboration and unified communications existing base, ultimately increasing their total
Telecom Reseller 7 long history of enabling partners to take
t t
 Digital and Cloud Optik. “I like that a single
 best-in-class solutions to their customers solution can help partners expand their services
and the addition of the Poly headset
to the C-suite, sales, marketing, and support
 Leaders Wal
portfolio enables us to further enhance the departments.”
user experience. Our ability to deliver an end-to-end UC solution from Poly means
that our partners can provide a fully-
le solution, deployed
Though the threat of war may have passed for now, tensions are still high between the U.S. and Iran. And as the Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity chief recently warned, if Iran does decide to act, cyber attacks could be its most effective weapon.
In a cyberwar, governments don’t just attack other governments. They attack the opposing country’s private sector as well to disrupt its economy, spread confusion, and destabilize its society. Should a cyberwar occur, it’s highly possible that Iran or other
continued from page 3
For more information on the K-1900-712L-IP visit: https://www.vikingelectronics. com/products/k-1900-712l-ip/
Viking Electronics engineers and manufactures over 500 security and communication products in the USA. Products include Emergency Phones, Entry Systems, Paging Interfaces, Mass Notification Systems, Hotline Phones, Autodialers, Enclosures and more. In addition to their extensive analog line, Viking offers a
incorporates technologies from multiple Actionable AnalyticsTM using a proprietary
, in
The product’s architecture makes it an inherent
bad actors would prioritize attacks against private organizations.
Even before the U.S.’s assassination of Iran’s top military leader in early January, Iran-based hackers had carried out a number of operations against U.S. businesses. For example, phishing attacks by the hacker group Silent Librarian stole proprietary
data from 36 private American companies between 2013 and 2017.
And Iran isn’t the only threat your company might face. Other countries like China and Russia have also developed strong hacking capabilities that could be deployed against American businesses. Unfortunately, many companies aren’t prepared,
To read this article further please visit
large selection of IP products that are SIP compliant. Based in Hudson, Wisconsin, Viking’s legacy of reliability and electronic innovation spans 50+ years. Viking builds products that are designed
to last and they also offer many of their products with Enhanced Weather Protection. Offering free lifetime product support they also back their products with a two-year limited warranty. For more information, please visit: n
and managed via our two-tier online complement to a partner’s existing technology
by Drew Lydecker, co-founder and president of AVANT (
management tools Dovetail.”
services without cannibalizing their staple
ordering platform HUB, provisioning and portfolio by allowing them to provide additional
Nuvias Unified Communications
product lines. Prodoscore’s technology creates
respective business interests.
algorithm paired with Google Cloud Platform’s
vendors for the fast-growing video and
voice collaboration market segment. Poly The lesson to this story is simple. While
Machine Learning and Natural Language
enhances these solutions with its high-
technology is a powerful business enabler Processing APIs, from data generated by cloud
aqnudalbituyseineds-spaocicnetldereavtiocresthtoatorffeqeruairetrsuly applications like CRM and UCaaS platforms.
unique voice and video collaboration
robust technical, operational, and financial Partners can continue delivering returns on
portfolio for the channel. Partners can also
management discipline, the business is existing solutions because customers will
access Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) and other
unique financing solutions through Nuvias
has on business results not about the their current technology stack.
Capital, helping organisations to accelerate business of managing the technology. When
partner growth.
technology leaders share business impact
The flexible program
* Nuvias Capital services are available are results ahead of the actions taken to achieve
limited to the UK at the present time
the results, business leaders will ‘get it’ and
More at n
pra management. n
of all backgrounds ran force Telco ents
The ners of all b orce Consu re
is a gre
communications space looking to change
ging froRm Sales MC oEnDsIuAl t Pa nAtCsKt o
flexible program welcomes part ackgrounds ranging from Salesf
ltants to Telco Agents. Prodosco
at fit for channel partners in the
with the market because it provides additional
premise to UCaaS. Consultants and SIs already
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in the Salesforce and Google ecosystems will
be able tocoafftegroaryn/oin-pcroinmtp/tetliencgompr-oduct that
enhances the value of services and solutions
   Stop Unwanted Robocalls
Unwanted robocalls have gone from a nuisance to a serious problem:
• There were 3.4 billion robocalls in April 2018—the biggest month ever.
• The Do-Not-Call list isn’t working.
• Perpetrators are neighbor-spoofing with fake caller IDs to trick
people into answering their robocalls.
• Robocalls are filling carrier networks, yet call completion rates are down because people aren’t answering their phone calls—higher costs, lower revenues.
• Secure Telephone Identity (STI) using STIR/SHAKEN
For information about these robocall prevention capabilities, visit our
website at or email About TransNexus
TransNexus is a leader in developing innovative software to manage and protect telecommunications networks. We have over 20 years' experience in providing telecom software for least-cost routing, billing support and prevention of telecom fraud and robocalls. For more information, visit our website at
Robocall Solutions
TransNexus software provides several methods of preventing robocalls from flooding your network and bothering your customers:
• Robocalling fraud triggers
• Targeted pumping triggers
• Reputation service
• Blacklisting to prevent neighbor-spoofing
• Customer-maintained blacklists
A kiosk reception solution exclusively from Softel
• Shield database of high-risk numbers 001_012_TR_MayJune2019.indd 10
001_016_TR_SeptOct2018.indd 13
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