Page 7 - November 2018
P. 7
Memorial Wall Plaque Order Form
Purchaser Information
Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________ ________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________
oCheck enclosed (make checks payable to CKA) oPlease charge my:oVisaoMasterCard
Account # _______________________________ Expiration_______ 3-digit security code _____
I hereby authorize Congregation Kol Ami to charge my credit card for each plaque:
o$360 (member)o$720 (non-member) Signature ________________________________
To appear on plaques
English name_____________________________ Hebrew name ____________________________ Date of death ____________________________ For additional names, attach separate sheet.
*Plaques can be purchased by or for Jewish family members of our congregation, their non-Jewish spouse, and immediate children.
Proceeds will go to the CKA General Fund. Please return your form and payment to the CKA office, or mail to:
7800 NE 119th Street Vancouver, WA 98662
Shalom Chapter of Hadassah invites you to a
Cancer Awareness Presentation
For Men & Women
Sunday, November 11, 1:00 p.m. at CKA
Presented by Laurie B
Laurie is a Nursing Professor at Clark
College. She earned a Masters of Nursing
Science specializing in community
nursing and nursing education. She
also holds a dual Master’s Degree in
Public Administration and Health Administration, and maintains an
advanced Critical Care Certification
in Nursing (CCRN). Beyond critical care, Laurie specializes in cardiac care and oncology nursing. She created an award-winning presentation of her research on breast cancer (BRCA) genetics. She also created and facilitated a community teaching project on breast cancer and the BRCA gene mutation. Laurie is a past president of the Mt. Hood Oncology Nursing Chapter, and is still actively serving on the board.
Everyone is welcome, why not invite a friend?
Congregation Kol Ami
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