Page 3 - Telecom Reseller April-May 2019
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ASperipl/tMemayb2e0r/1O9ctober 2018
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SSUUBBSSCCRRIPIPTTIOIONNSS&&CCIRIRCCUULLAATTIOIONN SESE282t8hthStSrterete,tV,aVnacnocuovuevre,rW,WAA9896886383 CCaall:ll5: 56611-7-73322-2-233355
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Amy Ralls – Tracy Titus –
TShould you replace telephony with chatbots?
Get More from Your Paging System with the
advertisers. in their advertisements, nor do they advertisers. in their advertisements, nor do they
Operations Manager & Assistant Editor
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300AE Paging Horn by Viking Electronics
Launches Next-
he way we communicate with our recovery. Hosted telephony services are via quickest way to communicate; the average person
customers has changed dramatically over
ethernet internet or a converged fibre broadband types 38-40 words a minute compared to 125-175
the years, evolving from letters to phone HUDSON, WI - The 300AE is a high power seinrcvliuced,eudsminogutnhteinsagmhearwdwirianreg iassfyuolluyrabdujussintaebslse’ wo2r5dAsEpewrhmileinustiengwohnenlythaalklfinthge. wattage.
calls to email and now website live chats. There’s weather resistant 10-inch paging horn, that is dtaotafint tight rafter spaces. It’sFeosrsmenotriaelitnhfaotr,mwahteionnitocnotmhes3t0o0AE,
Cloud Secure
Natasha Bougourd, Lead
way for customers to quickly and easily contact you, but with so many methods available, which
( paging systems. support)
“The 300AE is a great sounding horn that oyoveurcanhuthmroanwfonr ajunstimabmouedt iantey apnasgwinegr,saynstdem21% wanodugldeteavepnlebausiynfgroremsuoltn.”e–. Paul Speltz, Senior EnItg’sincleearr, VthiaktinbgusEilneecstsroesncicasn, Irneca.p significant reYwoaurdcsanbyusime tphlem30e0nAtiEngwtihthesaendyigViitkailn-figrst c8o-Omhmunoirc2a5ti/o7n0 tVoollts, but they shouldn’t come atmtphleifieexrp, eonrsuesoefathe more traditional solutions. A3rldl bpuasritnyeasmsepslmifiuerst be available on the phone fwoirthcuthsteosmameres who have urgent queries or for tohuotpseutw. Thhoest1i0ll-prefer phone calls. However, many binucshinheossrensgarreatolpyerating on outdated telephony simysptermovse,ssvtiollicdeependent on ISDN despite its uclnareitlyiaabnildityisaunsdeftuhle news that it will be retired in 2fo0r2d5i.rIenctriensgpsoonusnedtodtohwenISDN deadline, a number o l o f n b g u w s i a n r e e s h s o e s u a s e r e a mi s l a e k s . i n I t g t h e m o v e t o h o s t e d tcealnepbheounsye.d indoors and ouFtodrotohres,uanidniatlila3te0d0,AhEosted telephony is a
c h l o o r u n d s - s b h a i s p e d w i p t h h o w n e e a s t h o l e u r t i o n w h i c h e l i m i n a t e s t h e nreseisdtafonrt ftealetuphreosn. The syestem hardware. One of its key benefits is lower costs due to no capex and no maintenance costs thanks to built-in disaster experienced a breach in the last
communicatio3n00bAroEughhast iantonth-beo2a1rsdt croentatruyry with cloud hosting, maskwinitgchittmhaotraelleoswsesntthiael than ever. Not only does telephionnstyalcloermtomaudnjuicsattion provide customers with theeoapchpohrotrun’sitvyotloume have real-time, two-way cominmduenpiecnadtieont,lyitoaflso provides a personable experietnhceenfeaxvtohuorernd.bThy e many. 300AE has a 30-
Whilst live chat has high custwoamtteproswateisrfraactinogn, levels and customers are willingantdo ibsucyapfraobmle
a chatbot, implementing these osof lburtoioadncsasting shouldn’t come at the expense ovof itceelepahgoens,e communications. According tobtahcekgOroffiucnedof National Statistics, 90% of UKmhouusisce,haonldsohthaevre internet access, meaning 10% astuidllidoosnig’tn; ahlosw50e%lse will those people contact you?more efficiently
W e c a n ’ t i g n o r e t h e f a c t t h a t t h , a w n h i i t l s s t l i u t t p l e - a n d - coming online communicatbiorontshoelru, tihoenVs iakrieng seeing great results, telephomnoydisels2ti5llAaEh. iTht weith
c u s t o m e r s . A G o o g l e s t u d 3 y 0 0 f o A u E n d w i t l h l a p t r o 6 1 d % u c o e f consumers get in touchthweitshama beuvsoilnuemssevaisaaphone when they’re ready to purchase. Additionally, for urgent queries, a phone call is undoubtedly the
solution has been enhanced with new environments that will increase bandwidth throughput for an
even better customer experience.
bupsriondesuscets/c3a0n0’talei/mit themselves. To meet conVsuimkinergdEelmecatrnodnsi,cbsuesningeinsseesrsmaunsdt not only hamveananufoanctliunresporevsern5c0e0, bsuetcubreitayvainladble to speak toconmlimneuwnihceathioenr tphraot’dsuvciatsainsutphpeoUrtSaAg.ent on live chPartodrucchtastibnoctlsu. dThe Ee mcoenrcgerncyarPohuonndetsh, eElnatrteyr is thSayt sctheamtbso, PtsaagriengstIilnltevrofalvciensg, ManadssthNeorteiffiocraetwioonn’t beSaybstlemtos,aHnsowtleirnaelPl chuosntoems, Aeruqtouderiaieles,rsw, hich coEunldclloesauvreetshaenmdfmruosrtera. tIenda. ddition to their
Thexteesnesoivnelianneaclomg lminuen, Viciaktinong omffetrhsoads, holawregveesre, lsehcotuiolndno’tf cIoPmperoadtuthctesetxhpaetnasre oSfIP telceopmhopnlieancto.mBmasuednicnatHiound.sHonos, tWedistceolenpshino,ny wiVlliaklilnogw’sbleugsainceysosefsretoliasbaivleitymaondeyeloencttrhoinsic traindnitoiovnaatilosnolsuptaionns,5t0h+anykesartos.tVhiekeinragdbicuaitlidosn of capreoxdcuocststahnadt abrueildt-eisnigdniseadsteorlraesctoavnedryt.hDeyigital tranlsofoorffmeartmionan, tyhoefutsheiorfpterochdnuocltosgwyitho improve p r E o n c e h s a s n e s c , e c d u Ws t o e ma t h e r e r e x P p r e o r t i e e c n t i c o e n a . n O d ff u e l r t i i mn g a t f e r e l y e prloiffietaimbileitpy,roisdaucchtiseuvpabploeritnthsoeymaalsnoybwaacyks.their Byparoddoupctitnsgwaitmh iaxtowfot-ryaedaitriolinmailtaenddwmarordanertny.
c o F m o mr m u n o i r c e a i t n i o f n o r t m o o a l t s i , o a n n , d p l p e a a r s t e i c v u i s l a i t r : l y w u w s w i n . g clovuikdi-nbgaesledctprohnoinces.scyosmtemns, business can respond to customers quicker and more efficiently whilst saving money rather than increasing outgoings. n
sophisticated in how they attack a business’ network and data, it’s critical to have preventative measures in place
mitoigamteitihgeasetefatchtoersr,isthkeoinf sdtaltlatieoxnpoof souuren,d pabnerelinagc,hseusnashnaddnesoonrcotmheprlrioaonmcem. odifications miCghotnbseonliedcaestseadryCtomgemt tuhenimcaotstionust ohfatshe UC tecahdnvoalongcyeydocuapreapbriolivtideisnign. Irnisakdditsiocnovtoerthye, phdysaitcallsopsascep,rtehveeconmtipoannayncdulatudrveashnocueld be cotnhsirdearetdp, rpoatrteicutliaornly, ghievlepninregmboutesitnelewssoerksing emtpolomyeaeisnhtavine dcioffmerpenlitaneceedswthailnelocally woprrkeinvgeenmtipnlgoydeaesta– lfeoar kbsotahnadudbiuosaindesvisdeo codnsisidreurpatiionns.with a cloud-delivered
T d a e k p e l t o i m y me t e o n t e t s . t : M a k e t i m e t o u s e a l l t h e
s y s t e B ma s c ko en c d e b i ny s Ct a ol l ne d s oi n l i t d h a e t o e ffid ’ c s e , A b d e vf o a r ne c e d theSceursvtiocmeesrToeratmhe,irbeumsipnloeysesees.sNcoatnhitnrguist moCroe nfrsuostlridataintegdthCanomfinmdiunngiocuataiobnrsanfdo-rnew
c o s l l a e b c o u r r a i t t i y o n a s n p d a c b e u i s s i n n o e n s - s f u c n o c mt i o m n a u l n o i n c a d t a i y o o n n s e . Aftneeretedsstinsog itshceoymcpalentemd,acionntsaidinerfoacstuasgeodnroll- o u e t x o e f t c h u e t Ui n C g s t y h s e t e i mr d t a o y a - s t mo - a d l l a n y u mo p b e e r r a o t f i u o s n e s r s .
More at n HOKE continuesonpage 7 ››
Enhancements provide
should you choose?
Chatbots and online live chat are considered the
businesses with greater
most modern communication methods, with live
bandwidth throughput,
chat consistently coming up trumps in surveys. Over half of customers would prefer to chat to
Applications Writer at TSG
nogettingawayfromthefactthatyouneeda designedtoworkefficientlywithavarietyof HWoshtendutesledphwointhy2s5eeVsoartr7a0dVitiaomnpalimfieertsh,othdeof covmismit:uhnttipcast:/i/ownwmwe.tvhikoidnsgfeolerccturosntoicms.ecrosm, /
new security review to
a person in real-time online over a phone call a(HsasrreissRseserairschk); what’s more, it’s the channel with the highest customer satisfaction rating at 73% (Econsultancy). It’s so prolific that it’s now
unusual to see websites without live chat options. According to experts, chatbots are not only the
MneAxTtTstOepOuNp,fIrLom- Clivoencshoaltidbautearde the future of
Ccuosmtomuerncicoamtmiounnsic(aNtiAonS.DGAaQrtn: CerNhSasLe),stimated
a t h l e a t a 8 d 5 i n % g o b f r c o u a s t d o b m a e n r d i n a t e n r d a c b t i u o s n i s n w e i s l l s i n v o l v e
ccohmatbmoutsnbiyca2t0i2o0n, smperaonvinigdethrehAaIstool won’t be
agnoninoguancyewdhietrehansybtiomlsetseoroend. EitvsidCenlocue dhas
S s e h o c w u r n e t h s o a t l , u w t h i o e n n f u o t i r l i b s e u d s e i n ff e e c s t s i v e e s l y b , c y h a t b o t s
ardesduilntginnae3w0,%gienocgreraspehiniccaolnlyvedrisvioenrsethan other
CcolomumduSneicautrioenesn. Wvirhoatn’smeonret,s6a1n%dof customers
owffoeurldinagctaivneelywchSoeocsuertiotyinLteirfaectywcilteh a chatbot
Review to provide businesses a
6 Steps for Successfully
customized report of security threats 12 months, with the cost for small
and vulnerabilities on their networks. businesses to clean up after a breach
The Company is also expanding Cloud averaging $690,000 and mitigation
Secure to businesses in its Northern costs for middle market companies
Additionally, the
ffered Security
UDeploying UC Systems most sophisticated security threats Communications. “It’s crucial for
New England service area. reaching over $1 million,” said Doug Cloud Secure is a fully-managed Abolt, vice president of commercial
by Ansley Hoke, Vice President,
security solution that addresses the product management at Consolidated
and threats that are traveling across
with innovative technology that businesses of all sizes to have a solid combinenisfitehdecolamtmesutnbicraetaiokntsh(rUoCu)ghs in snoavluigtaitoinginthpeslaectecthonosleocguierse, btuhteaitrthe end
securitym, anuutfoamctuarteirosnhavnedmaandaelytrteimcse.ndous nofethweodraky,st,hpercoutsetocmt cer’istsiactaislfbacutsioinewsisthatnhde
monitoring network activity for up to th1e0sduarryosu.nding environment, specific industry neeCdos,nosrorleidgualtaetodr’ys heuxrpdelersiethnecye’ldl neenegditnoejeurmsp threolupgbhu? sWinheilsesceustuonmdeersrsmtaynsdayththeeiry need a pvaurtlincuelrarbpirloitdieucstroervsearvleicde,inwotrhkewriethpothretm to fiannddtheorwighCtosnolsuotiloidnaftoerdth’seiCr lsopuecdifiSceicnudruestry a cn ad n w ho er kl p c tu hl t eu rme . m i t i g a t e r i s k .
ARneaslyezaertchhe benyvPiraolnomAelntot: ThNeetowffiocrekstructure i s fi j n u d s t s a t s h i ma t p mo r o t a r n e t t a h s a t h n e 7 t e 5 c , h 0 n 0 o 0 l o n g e y w i n u s e . Wmhaeltwhearriet bfieleschaoresiidnecnotniffieerednecevreoroyms, loud odpaeny.oAffiscceylabyeorutcsr,iomr ibnraiglshtbweicnodmowesm, thoereoffice space can present significant challenges. To
ntecxhtn-ogleongyfitrheawt haellpcsabpuasbinielistsiesss,tay more isnuccidesesntthartemspaottnerse. Thtime feosll.oCwoinngssotelipdsaktedp the acdovnannected tehnadnpeoveinr.tHporwoetveecrt, iUoCn saynsdtems CfoocumsmofudneipclaoytinognsUhCasysetxempesroinenthcedend users,
he soluptroiognreussniinqtuhelylasint dtecgardaet,edseveloping coumstpolemteeUr Cdaetxap,earinedncteoisrethdeuocnelysmeceuarsuitrye of
tohcrceaasitoinatlleyllfiagllesnhcoerttion mpriatcitgicaet,enoritsbkecaanudse porfotvheidtecchunsotlogmy,ebrust gbreecautseerocfothnetraoplparonadch, vinisitbalilaitiyonofanthdesiurpnpeotrtwsotrraktesg.y.
“ ThS i e x t U y C - o m n a e r k p e e t r p c r e o n v i t d o e s f a s md i z a z l y l i a n n g d a r r a y o f mpreodiucmts,-aslilzweidthbduisffienrenstssepsechiafivcaetions and capabilities. Many resellers are well-versed in
twehaimle sbuinildpinlagcleoytaol hcuesltpombuerssininesthsepsrocess. u nS tda er tr swt i at hn cd u ts ht oemi r e sr en ce ue dr si t: yT ar l i ks kt os yaonu dr
t c h u s e t o s mo l e u r t s i - o w n h t a o t i d m o p t h r e o y v r e e a t l h l y e n i r e o e d v ? e I r s a i l t l sasecsiumrpitleyasstsrtatyeinggiecso.n”nected and boosting prCooduncstoivlitdya, oter dar’se tChleorue dotSherccuornesiderations, such as long-term growth goals, concerns with
wly Lifecycle Review generates a
customized report detailing risks
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