Page 4 - CKA December Bulletin 2017
P. 4

KAW RJ Connections
KAWRJ President’s Message
Light! Across the world, holidays that involve light are celebrated throughout the winter. In the dark, we cannot see; we can easily get lost and we are often afraid. As the nights become longer, Earth loses its warmth and becomes cold and less nurturing. No wonder our ancestors valued light!
Light is the  rst of God’s creative acts, even before the sun, moon, and stars. Our ancestors were led from slavery by a pillar of  re by night. The prophets shared how light is associated not only with G-d, but with G-d’s dream for Jerusalem and the world. “Nations shall come to your light,” Isaiah says, and “kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Dawn tells us that darkness will not last forever; it brings order to the world.
As darkness deepens, we celebrate Hanukkah. We light the candles and see the their glow light up our homes like a li le dawn. The temple was rededicated and we can still celebrate this miracle. Thinking of all the wonderful miracles
that happen in our lives, we can re ect on the fact that we have so much.
With all that is happening in our world, may we take a moment to look at that spark that lights up our lives and count our blessings. May we feel grateful that we have our faith, as well as our CKA family to help us through the hard times, to celebrate the good, and to make this world a li le brighter.
Thank you for your support of KAWRJ and our mission to provide opportunities for friendship, fun, service, spiritual growth, and learning.
Carol S
Upcoming KAWRJ Events KAWRJ’s Mitzvah Day
Sunday, January 14, 10:00 a.m. – noon
Winter membership meeting
Saturday, January 27, 6:00 p.m.
KAWRJ leads Shabbat service
Friday, February 9, 7:30 p.m.
Ladies’ Afternoon Out
Saturday, February 24, Sweet Pea Tea Room
It’s cold outside...
let’s do ladies night “IN”
Wednesday, December 13, 6:30 p.m.
Deawn H’s home
Bring your best “Hanukkah hit.” By “hit” we mean a dish that is always a hit with your family and friends (buy or make – it doesn’t ma er to us).
Please RSVP so we know how many to plan for (
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Kislev / Tevet 5778uDecember 2017

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