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News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                       Page 16

         Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,     worlds, became flesh, though remaining what
         good will towards men.” Such were the words          He was before. He became flesh as truly as if He
         which the blessed Spirits who minister to Christ     had ceased to be what He was, and had actually
         and His Saints, spoke on that gracious night to      been changed into flesh. He submitted to be the
         the shepherds, to rouse them out of their cold       offspring of Mary, to be taken up in the hands
         and famished mood into great joy; to teach them      of a mortal, to have a mother’s eye fixed upon
         that they were objects of God’s love as much as      Him, and to be cherished at a mother’s bosom. A
         the greatest of men on earth; nay more so, for to    daughter of man became the Mother of God—to
         them first He had imparted the news of what that  her, indeed, an unspeakable gift of grace; but in
         night was happening. …                               Him what condescension! …

           “The shepherds said one to another, Let us          If all these things be so, surely the lesson of joy
         now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing       which the Incarnation gives us is as impressive
         which is come to pass, which the Lord hath           as the lesson of humility. … Take these thoughts
         made known to us.” Let us too go with them, to       with you, my brethren, to your homes on this
         contemplate that second and greater miracle to       festive day; let them be with you in your family
         which the Angel directed them, the Nativity of       and social meetings. It is a day of joy: it is good
         Christ. St. Luke says of the Blessed Virgin, “She    to be joyful—it is wrong to be otherwise. For one
         brought forth her first-born Son, and wrapped        day we may put off the burden of our polluted
         Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a          consciences, and rejoice in the perfections
         manger.” What a wonderful sign is this to all the    of our Saviour Christ, without thinking of
         world, and therefore the Angel repeated it to the    ourselves, without thinking of our own miserable
         shepherds: “Ye shall find the babe wrapped in        uncleanness; but contemplating His glory, His
         swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”               righteousness, His purity, His majesty, His
                                                              overflowing love. We may rejoice in the Lord,
           The God of heaven and earth, the Divine
         Word, who had been in glory with the Eternal         and in all His creatures see Him. We may enjoy
         Father from the beginning, He was at this time       His temporal bounty, and partake the pleasant
         born into this world of sin as a little infant. He,   things of earth with Him in our thoughts; we may
         as at this time, lay in His mother’s arms, to all    rejoice in our friends for His sake, loving them
         appearance helpless and powerless, and was           most especially because He has loved them.”
         wrapped by Mary in an infant’s bands, and laid                This sermon, first printed in 1843, is published in
         to sleep in a manger.                                “Parochial and Plain Sermons by John Henry Newman, B.D.,
                                                                Volume VIII” (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908).
           The Son of God Most High, who created the                For the full homily, go to:

                                             Wishing you a Happy

                                           and Blessed Christmas

                       The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland

           Inverness                        Whithorn              E dinbur gh             Birnie

              MASS TIMES IN SCOTLAND  -  INVERNESS:  Sunday at  11am and mid-week in the Oratory of Saint Joseph, 49 Laurel Avenue, Inverness IV3 5RR
           WHITHORN:  1st Sunday at 11am in Stonehouse Mill, Sorbie DG8 8AN and Wednesday at 10.30am in St Martin and St Ninian, George Street, Whithorn DG8 8PZ
          EDINBURGH:  2nd Sunday at 12.30pm in St Patrick’s, Cowgate, Old Edinburgh EH1 1TQ      NAIRN:  1st Monday at 10am in St Mary, 7 Academy Street, Nairn IV12 4RJ
                       BIRNIE (by Elgin):  1st Saturday at 12 noon  -  Evensong on Wednesday at 7pm in Birnie Kirk, Birnie, by Elgin IV30 8SU
           Fr Len Black -  -  01463 235597  - 07836 365719      Fr Simon Beveridge  -  -  01988 850323  -  07775 427146
                                 Fr Cameron Macdonald -  -  01667 453867  -  07932 786984  Charity Reg No: 1141536
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