Page 3 - 2024-12-OrdScotReview
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News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 3

         The Council of Nicaea 325 ... and in 2025

             HE FIRST Council of Nicaea                                      Pontifical University of St Thomas
         T Twas convened in the Bithynian                                    Aquinas (the Angelicum where
         city of Nicaea, now İznik, south of                                 our own Jamie Baillie is studying)
         what today is Istanbul in Turkey.  It                               and at the Augustinian Patristic
         was called by the Roman Emperor                                     Pontifical Institute.  The second,
         Constantine I and met from May                                      organised by the World Council of
         until the end of July in the year 325.                              Churches, is in November.
           This was the first of many efforts                                  At a recent ecumenical meeting,
         to bring consensus in the church.                                   Pope Francis spoke about the
         Its main accomplishments were to                                    anniversary as a source of unity
         settle the issue of the divine nature of God the     between Christians.  “Dear friends,” he said, “we
         Son and His relationship to God the Father, the      have set out on a journey led by God’s kindly
         construction of the first part of the Nicene Creed  light that dissipates the darkness of division and
         and unifying the date of Easter.  It also declared   directs our journey towards unity.
         that the Blessed Virgin Mary is “Theotokos”, the      “The Trinitarian and Christological confession
         Greek word for “God-Bearer” (Mother of God).         of the Council of Nicaea, which acknowledges
         The council also promulgated the Nicene Creed,       Jesus to be ‘true God from true God’ and
         which is still accepted by Orthodox, Anglican        ‘consubstantial with the Father,’ unites us with
         and  Protestant denominations.
                                                              all those who are baptised.  In view of this great
           Two major events are planned for 2025 to mark  anniversary, let us renew our enthusiasm for
         the 1700th anniversary of the Council.  The          journeying together in the way of Christ, in the
         first event will be held in Rome in April at the     way that is Christ.”
                ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

         Pier Giorgio Frassati’s canonisation

             OPE FRANCIS has                                              during his novena and he felt this
        P Precognised a miracle attributed                                tremendous warmth in his ankle.
         to Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati’s                               I when he went to the orthopedic
         intercession, paving the way for his                             surgeon a week later, who, after
         canonisation as a saint during the                               seeing the scan and conducting
         Catholic Church’s Jubilee of Youth                               physical investigations, said, ‘You
         next summer.  Frassati, who died                                 must have someone in heaven who
         at the age of 24 in 1925, is beloved                             likes you’”
         by many Catholic young people                                      Born on Holy Saturday in 1901,
         today for his enthusiastic witness to                            Frassati was the son of the founder
         holiness that reaches “to the heights.”                          and director of the Italian newspaper
           The young man from the northern                                La Stampa.  At the age of 17, he
                                                               gio F
                                                 Blessed Pier Gior
         Italian city of Turin was an avid       Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati  joined the St Vincent de Paul Society
         mountaineer and third order Dominican known          and dedicated much of his spare time to taking
         for his charitable outreach.  In a decree, Pope      care of the poor, the homeless, and the sick, as
         Francis recognised the miraculous healing of a       well as servicemen returning from World War I.
         seminarian of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles,         Frassati wrote the phrase, “Verso L’Alto,” which
         recently ordained priest.  He had damaged his        means “To the Heights,” a phrase that has become
         Achilles tendon in a basketball accident and         a motto for inspiration to strive for the summit of
         an MRI scan showed significant damage to his         eternal life with Christ.  Frassati died of polio in
         Achilles tendon, his doctor recommended that         1925, caught while serving the sick.
         he see an orthopaedic surgeon.  “Being very upset
         about the whole thing, he started a novena to             This is an extract from an article by Courtney Mares,
         Pier Giorgio Frassati,” Sarno explained.  Midway            Catholic News Agency -
         through the novena, “he was in the chapel crying
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