Page 7 - 2024-12-OrdScotReview
P. 7

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 7

         November: a month to Remember

              LL SOULS DAY was indeed a day to
         A Aremember at Birnie Kirk with over 160
         names of the departed respectfully read out at
         the well attended Requiem Mass.  Remembering
         the departed by name may have been new to               Some Birnie-ites with Sister Imelda in the Convent Chapel
                                                                              with S
                                                                                                       t Chapel
                                                                                     er Imelda in the C
         many of those in the congregation, but from
                                    the comments made          After the Reformation the building mostly fell
                                    afterwards, the           ruin until 1898 when the third Marquis of Bute,
                                    solemn occasion to        John Crichton-Stuart, rebuilt it for the Sisters of
                                    remember departed         Mercy to use it as their convent.  The Dominican
                                    relatives and friends     Sisters first arrived in Elgin in 2013 and since
                                    was very much             then have become firmly rooted, serving in the
            All S ouls D a y M ass a t Birnie  appreciated.   Diocese of Aberdeen.  The Birnie visit was most
            All Souls Day Mass at Birnie
                                                              successful and ended up with tea and biscuits
             EMEMBRANCE SUNDAY was kept as a                  and time to relax in the sunshine in the beautiful
        R Rsolemn occasion at the Ordinariate Requiem         Convent garden.
         Mass in St Patrick’s in the Cowgate in Edinburgh.
                                    As the Parish Mass        The Birnie Trading
                                    was also a Requiem        Company
                                    Mass for the War           While there is no
                                    Dead an appropriately     such thing (yet!) as the
                                    decorated Catafalque      Birnie Trading Company,
                                    was already in place      things are most certainly
                                    in the Chancel so the     moving in that direction.
                                    Ordinariate Mass was      After ‘our’ resident stone
                                                                                               Philip Chatfield
                                    offered from the High     sculptor, Philip Chatfield       Philip C ha tfield
             Remembrance Sunday in  Altar instead of at the   - who is really resident at nearby Pluscarden Abbey
                       e S
                              y in
              St P a trick ’ s , E dinbur gh  Lady Chapel Altar.  working on many carved stones and statues for the
              St Patrick’s, Edinburgh
         Greyfriars Convent visit                             new St Joseph’s Guest House - made the magnificent
         A                                                    St Brendan carving for the Ordinariate at Birnie
              GROUP OF around 24 folk from Birnie
                                                                                  Kirk, other items have begun
         A irk paid a visit to Greyfriars Convent in
         Elgin in October.  For many of those present                             to appear.
         this was their first experience of what happens                            Local Pluscarden
         withing the walls of a convent.  Sister Imelda was                       wood carver, Matthieu
         delighted to show everyone around assisted, of                           Hommel - also know as
         course, by Bryan Miller.                                                 the Grumpy Old Forester -
                                                                                  com - produced small
                                                                                  Wooden Plaques of Philip’s
                                                                                  St Brendan the Navigator

                                                                    St Brendan
                                                                    St Br endan   carving.  They cost £42 each.
                                                                   wood carving
                                                                    ood c
                                                               Soon after came
                                        t Gr
               he Birnie
                        es enjo
                             ying the sun a
                                            yfriars C
              The Birnie-ites enjoying the sun at Greyfriars Convent t  Belgian Chocolate
           The Dominican Sisters, whose motherhouse           Slabs (weight approx
         is in Nashville, Tennessee, have had a presence      90 gms - and the ‘gold’ is
         in Elgin for more than ten years and have a role     edible) of the St Brendan
         teaching in the parish and in the diocese.  The      carving, in dark, white
         convent itself dates back to 1479, when it was       and brown chocolate,
         built for monks from the Order of Friars Minor       each with its own carved
         for charitable works in the Elgin area.              wooden stand, which
                                                                                           St Brendan Chocolate Bar
                                                              can be used to display       St Br endan Choc ola t e B ar
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