Page 15 - Wilson High School Program of Studies
P. 15
What does a typical day look like for a virtual student?
Full time virtual students in grades 6-12 will have the following: 6 credits for 9th and 10th grade, at least 5 credits for 11th grade, and at least 4 credits for seniors. Each course should take approximately 60 minutes per subject per weekday. K-5 students will have their 4 cores and one special, if wanted. A time commitment of approximately 3 hours per day is optimal. K-5 students will be given one Elementary teacher for all 4 core subjects just like a typical classroom. Secondary students will have content specialists.
What part is independent work vs in person instruction?
Content delivered through the Edgenuity platform is all asynchronous. A student can reach out to their teacher for 1:1 support. Edgenuity teachers are highly qualified, PA certified instructors and the content follows PA Common Core guidelines.
Will virtual students be able to move ahead in their courses?
Must the virtual student log in at a certain time each day?
No. The content is available 24/7.
Can a parent go in after they get home from work to check on work completed?
Parents may sign up for Parent Portal access and be emailed a progress report on a daily basis.
What is the cost for students to attend WVA?
Students can take up to 7 online courses as a full time student. If a student needs Credit Recovery, there is a cost ($225) or if a student wants to take an accelerated course or an additional 8th course, there a cost. ($600)
How do I register my student for WVA?
An email to your School Counselor will start the process. Counselors need to make sure the courses are aligned with their graduation path. K-5 guardians need to contact their home building office to start the process.
How is attendance taken for a student in the Wilson Virtual Academy?
A full time student is REQUIRED to log in 5 days a week for the minimum of 3 hours per day AND must show completion of work. K-5 students are required to log in a minimum of one hour per weekday. Attendance will be entered into Skyward including a Doctor’s note, if necessary.
Does a WVA student follow Wilson’s school calendar?
Yes, a WVA student is required to log in on each day school is in session.
Is a WVA student required to take state-mandated assessments?
Yes, the student will report to their home building to take the exams.
Wilson Virtual Academy