Page 21 - The Edge Issue 8
P. 21
I, Zoe Gerbi, will my bass to McKayla Keels,
and my place as Mr. Franco’s favorite to Madison Keels.
I, Caspian Chaharom, will all those in progress abandoned projects we
started in Mr. Cilsick’s room to Nikhil Iyer.
I, Hailey Janke, will my school spirit and all of my
props to my little brother Matthew, my comedic jokes to my younger brother Justin, and my good looks and crazy personality to my best friend Jazzy.
I , Shannon Reid, will my undying love and appreciation for
Susan Rhoden to Isaiah Brasher.
I, Joseph Godwin, will the swivel chair in Mrs Robbins room to Laine
Smith or Aiden Kelleher, depending on who gets there first.
I, Ashley Copeland, will Noah Holzinger to Josie
I, Shelbee Clark, will my favorite bean bag
in Mr. Bro’s room to Maisy Davis, but only to be used for crying and napping.
I, Rowan Richter, will my undeniable attractiveness
to DJ Peek.
I, Alexis Waryk, will the animal crackers to Jacob Wolfe and Chase Abbott.
I, Emily Corack, will my
intense attractiveness and slightly problematic tendencies to Josie Lowers.
I, Haleigh Woloszak, will Logan Woloszak my perfect reputation
with admin and Krishna Tewatia my ability to calm Mrs. Snyder.
I, Alex Thu will my bench press abilities to
I, Nicole Rezanka, will my entire collected
senior AP classwork (and the band program presidency) to Kayla Eusebio.
I, Hunter Mealing, will my amazing speedo tan
to Sammy Quigg.
I, Evelin Gonzalez, will my rage, stupidity, and
grind chain dance moves to Darya Chaharom, Alex Diakakis, and Isela Villarreal.
I, Rose McCaleb, will my very last ounce of
motivation and all of my notes to Ashley Burke. Use them to get through AP Stat!
I, Noah Holzinger, will unconditional love and
affection to Josie Lowers.
I, Samantha Partlow, will my early admit struggle to
Jasmine Almeda.
I, Dani Dudley, will Ashley Burke my ability to
recite the Avatar the Last Airbender intro verbatim.
I, Indigod, will my best personality to The
I, Shayla Hirji, will my general confusion and
lack of motivation to Darya Chaharom.
I, Dustin Smith, will my donut backpack to DJ
I, Ignacio Serrato, will Pablo Horatio Escobar,
the giraffe, to the academic team and any future members of said team.
I, Lilian Hoang, will creepy monkey to Lan
I, Julia Passarelli, will the ability of talking in
accents at awkward times to Kari Baumhover.
I, Austin Clay, will a horse coucha to Aimee