Page 37 - Parent Resource Guide 2022 8.29.22
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CareerandTechnical Education
Today’s rigorous and relevant Career and Technical Educa- tion (CTE) program prepares students for a wide range
of high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand careers as well as further educational
opportunities. CTE is offered in middle schools, high schools, and at the postsecondary level through dual enrollment. CTE is at the forefront of preparing stu- dents to be “college and career ready” by equipping students with core academic skills and the ability to
apply those skills to concrete situations. Students also learn employability skills such as critical thinking and responsibility, in addition to job-specific, technical skills. Each CTE program offers students the opportunity
to earn industry-recognized credentials and certifica- tions, which are recognized and valued by business and industry partners. Brevard’s goal is that every student will graduate from high school prepared to enter and be successful in the workplace, in further career education, and/or in postsecondary degree opportunities.
A/C Refrigeration & Heating Technology Accounting Applications
Administrative Office Specialist Advanced Manufacturing Technology Applied Cybersecurity
Applied Engineering Technology Applied Robotics
Architectural Drafting
Automotive Collision Technology Automotive Maintenance & Light Repair Aviation Assembly & Fabrication Business Management & Analysis Building Construction Technologies Cloud Computing & Virtualization Criminal Justice Operations
Culinary Arts
Dental Aide
Digital Design
Digital Media/Multimedia Design Digital Video Technology
Early Childhood Education
Emergency Medical Responder
Environmental Water & Reclamation Technology
Exercise Science
Fashion Technology & Design Services
Finance Game/Simulation/Animation/Programming Hospitality and Tourism Management
Interior Design Services
Introduction to Firefighting
International Business
Journalism & Multimedia
Machining Technology
Maritime Technology
Marketing, Management & Entrepreneurial Principles Medical Administrative Specialist
Nursing Assistant
Outboard Marine Service Technology
Principles of Teaching
Public Safety Telecommunication / 911
Technical Design
Television Production Technology
Web Application Development & Programming Welding Technology Fundamentals
CTE Programs of Study
For more information regarding Career & Technical Education visit our website at https:/
or contact the Office of Career & Technical Education at: (321) 633- 1000 ext. 11380.
Lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation. The district may assess each student’s ability to benefit from specific programs through placement tests and counseling, and if necessary, will provide services or referrals to better prepare students for successful participation. Go to page 40 for more details on BPS’ non-discrimination policy.