Page 5 - Supers School booklet 2023
P. 5

    Andersen Elementary
 Grades: K-6
 Mission: Meaningfully educate, inspire Enrollment: and support students to successfully
SOAR in the community through active engagement.
Vision: All students will become lifelong learners and positive members of society.
  Academic Excellence
• Increased percentage of students on grade level by 20 percentage points in reading -based on iready diagnostic data
• Increased the student computer ratio to 2:1 with continued push for technology
• Decreased at risk students by 10 percentage points -based on iready diagnostic data
• Strong Partners in education Program • Gifted Program housed on campus
Kimberly Harris
Mascot: Eagle
 3011 South Fiske Blvd •
Rockledge, FL 32955 • Phone: 321 633 3610

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