Page 67 - Supers School booklet 2023
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   Mims Elementary
  Grades: VPK-6
 Enrollment: 544
Mission: The Mims Elementary family takes pride in providing opportunities for each member to reach their individual
potential through knowledge, skills, and values in a respectful and safe learning environment.
Vision: At Mims Elementary, we strive to inspire our community to embrace and live by the following virtues: respect, honor, responsibility, perseverance, loyalty, integrity, courage, reflection, and selfless service.
  Wesley Herold
• Head Start Program 3 and 4 year old students
• Pre-K ESE for 3 and 4 year old students
• ESE Varying Exceptionality Classrooms (K-3 and 4-6)
• Daily Power Hour for
Reading Intervention
• Positive Behavior and Inter- vention Supports Program
• ESE Varying Exceptionality Classrooms (K-3 and 4-6)
• Daily Power Hour for
Reading Intervention
• Positive Behavior and Inter- vention Supports Program
Academic Excellence
Mims Elementary
• 32% increase in ELA Proficiency comparing the 1st iReady Diagnos- tic to the 3rd iReady Diagnostic
• Collaborative planning sessions
• 34% increase in Math Proficiency comparing the 1st iReady Diagnos- tic to the 3rd iReady Diagnostic
• Weekly Teacher Professional Developments and Data Analysis
Mascot: Mustangs
 2582 US Highway 1 • Mims, FL 329545 •
Phone: 321 264 3020

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