Page 11 - PFAR Report 2022
P. 11
FY22 Revenue - Debt Services
How BPS Is Funded
FY22 Revenue - All Governmental Funds
Local Food
Sales 8 05%
Grant Funds
Debt Services
and Internal Funds
Capital Funds
State Other
99 98%
General Fund FY22 Revenue - All Governmental Funds
General Fund FY20
FY22 Local Property Taxes
$ 200 038 732
$ 1 852 722
$ 9
575 351
35 61% 0 33% 1 69%
$ 209 714 803 $ 120 058 $ 11 171 486
36 48% 0 0 02% 1 94%
$ 218 505 036
39 15%
Investments Other
$ 275 424 $ 11 804 451
0 0 05%
2 11%
State FEFP
$ 258 418 786 $ 86
062 876 $ 5 5 191 854
45 55% 15 17% 0 92%
$ 262 434 270 $ 82 404 103 $ 4 250 031
45 65% 14 33% 0 74%
$ 247 370 180
44 32%
$ 74 694 118
13 38%
$ 4 4 354 035
0 78%
Federal Direct Grants
$ 595 095 $ 3 576 681
0 0 10% 0 63%
$ 769 392 $ 4 068 023
0 13% 0 71%
$ 617 654
$ 582 901
0 11%
0 0 10% TOTAL
$ 567 312 097
100 00%
$ 574 932 166
100 00%
$ 558 203 799
100 00%
TheGeneralFundsourcesmostofthedailyoperations Itincludesrevenuefrom
Local Investments Capital Fund Fund State Other
FY22 property taxes and investments (long term debt) Both are discussed in in in in in in more de- taillaterinthisreport ItalsoincludesFloridaEducationFinanceProgram(FEFP) Grants
Federal Local PropertyTaxes $ $ 66
065 786 46 96% $ $ 70 804 494 which is is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a funding formula adopted by by the the Florida Florida Legislature Legislature in in in in in 1973 to to allocate
47 02% $ 75 331 031
44 43% 34 26% $ 62 62 092 267 36 62%
SalesSurtax $ $ 46 46 693 650 33 19% $ $ 51
591 468
State funds appropriated by by the the the Legislature Legislature to to school school districts for for for K-12 public school school Investments $ $ 2 2 2 2 838 085 2 2 2 2 02% $ $ 173 175
0 0 0 0 0 11%
$ (87 700) -0 05%
operations The FEFP
implements the the the constitutional requirement for for for a a a a a a a a a a Categoricals
ImpactFees $ $ 16 004 661 11 38%
$ $ 18
549 679 uniform system of free public education Additionally the the the the General Fund 13 38%
$ 399 953 0 28% $ 374 578
Property includes categorical funds which are earmarked by the the the state for for for specific use 0 39% 2 71%
1 98%
0 0 0 00%
$ 169 562 597 100 00%
State PECO $ $ 3 580 967 2 55% $ $ 4 080 505 Taxes
39 15%
Examples include include funding for for textbooks student transportation and security $ 4 4 594 110
$ $ $ 5 5 107 324 3 3 3 3 63%
$ $ $ 5 5 013 790
$ 3 3 364 897
In FY21
and FY22 lotto proceeds were $0 This is is is because the the state’s
Federal N/A $ - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 00%
$ - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 00%
$ - Discretionary Lotto allocation was removed due tto tto to COVID-19 causing closures
State FEFP
$ $ 140 690 426 100 00%
$ $ 150 587 689
100 00%
0 0 0 00%
ofschoolsandotherentitiesandorganizations Becausethestatereliesso heavily on on tourism and and and and sales tax dollars to to fund its budget the the the the shutdown of of most 44 32%
Federal Direct Grant Fund FY20
FY22 $ - - shops and and businesses dramatically cut cut those proceeds As a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a result the the the governor had to to to tto veto several items out of the the the the budget The largest individual cut cut was to to to tto K-12 education which included the the the the Discretionary Lotto allocation Local Other
Local Other
$ 100 0 0 0 0 0 00%
- 31
133 6 343 572
FY22 FY22 Revenue Revenue - - 0 0 0 00%
0 0 0 03%
State Federal Other
0 0 04% $ 32
10 Direct General Fund $ $ $ 43 132 0 0 08% $ $ $ $ 5 5 959 232 11 29% $ $ 12 32%
$ 23
601 598 13 13 92%
Local 0 25% 2 71%
3 3 3 33% $ 666 454
FY22 FY22 Revenue Revenue - - Food
8 8 8 68% $ 6 6 431 087
5 68%