Page 45 - Re-Opening of Brevard Public Schools
Re-Opening of Brevard Public Schools
COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan
P. 45
In School Guidelines – Academic and Social Emotional Learning • All students will receive the required mental health curriculum and be supported through a social emotional framework • Each school will implement an academic support plan to provide additional instruction through tutoring, before or after school activities, or enrichment embedded in the school day • Each school will develop a plan to provide additional support for students who are temporarily on distance learning • Each teacher will utilize FOCUS to regularly update parents and students on academic performance • Secondary students will continue to have access to programs that accelerate their learning such as Career and Technical Education, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Cambridge, Early College, Virtual School, Credit Acceleration Programs, and ACCEL diploma options These guidelines may change depending on local, state, or federal recommendations BPS Reopening Schools 2020 - 2021 45