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Grammar is addressed in Florida Journeys via embedded lesson relating to writing. The authentic texts included in the textbook pro- vide quality language for study of appropriate grammar and usage in a mentor text method.
In addition to the resources available in Florida Journeys, district-created documents, such as Adapted Text Units, are available for additional instruction in literacy.
them to build deep understanding of the mathematical concepts and ideas. Activities and lessons that support differentiated instruction and response-to-intervention are offered in within these programs.
Brevard Public Schools’ science goal is to provide students with a well-balanced K-6 curriculum, which is aligned with Florida’s Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. To develop science literacy in our students, they are actively involved in inquiry investigations that teach the content as well as the essential process skills. The district adopted instructional materials, STEMscopes Florida 2.0 (K-5) and McGraw Hill Grade 6 Florida Comprehensive, include multiple hands-on, minds-on activities that provide science content and real-world connections.
Social Studies
Brevard Public Schools’ social studies core curriculum focuses on Florida’s Next Generation Sunshine State Standards while engaging students in lessons to develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions. Activities provide pathways for engagement, discussion and historical thinking while incorporating reading, writing and mathematical integration of subject matter. The district-adopted instructional materials, Studies Weekly (K-5) and TCI History Alive! The Ancient World (Gr. 6), support standards aligned curriculum by
The mathematics programs for grades K-5 include Pearson Realize enVisionMath (Florida © 2015), Eureka Math (Great Minds, Inc.), and Ready MAFS (Curriculum Associates). These programs provide in-depth instruction and a variety of assessment opportunities for ongoing progress monitoring.
The district adopted mathematics program for grade 6 is Big Ideas Learning, LLC, Bid Ideas Math Advanced 1 (Florida © 2015). This program is organized into 15 chapters and the content is arranged to provide depth and cohesiveness. A variety of assess- ments opportunities are offered throughout the program.
District created resources aligned with both programs support standards aligned instruction. They are also research-based and de- signed to engage students in problem solving activities that enable

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