P. 41

 Opt-Out Directory Provision
Brevard Public Schools has a policy to safeguard students’ directory information from being released to commercial entities, non-profit agencies or individuals. This information includes student:
  • date of graduation or program completion • date and place of birth
• names
• addresses
• phone numbers
• participation in school activities and sports • honors and awards
• height and weight of athletic team members • dates of attendance
 The district takes the responsibility of safeguarding your child’s school records very seriously and follows state and federal regulations regarding the release of such information. “Directory Information,” as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), allows the disclosure of certain student information including names and addresses, without prior written consent, unless a parent has opted out. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the district to include this type of information from your child’s records in certain school publica- tions. Examples include graduation lists, recognition lists, sports activity sheets and playbills.
In accordance with School Board Policy 8330, if you do not want BPS to disclose your child’s allowable directory information, without your prior written consent, you must notify the district in writing. The opt-out form is available at your child’s school.
Parent University
Parent University provides BPS parents and caregivers training, resources and access to skills and services which grow, achieve and empower greater levels of advocacy for children, schools and community. More importantly, Parent University empowers families to navigate multiple roles as partners in their children’s education.
For more information, visit the Parent Leadership Team section of the website or contact (321) 633-1000 ext. 11389 or ext. 11336.

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