Page 2 - Principal Playbook 2018-19
P. 2
Incident Level: Critical
Type of Incident/ Situation
Campus-Wide Threat
Gun on campus (parent, visitor, student)
Active shooter situation
Drive-by shooting Bomb threat Hostage situation
Fire, explosion (resulting in evacuation) Accident at school resulting in injury and 911 emergen- cy services support (i.e., car/bus accident on
school grounds) Bus accident
(off school grounds) requiring 911 emergency services support
Student or staff injury or illness requiring 911 emergency
services support
Who to Contact
1 911 emergency services
2 District & School Security Major Andrew Walters
(321) 403-6949
− If no response, call (321) 633-1000 ext. 290
Internal Communication
1 District Security will notify District Comms
2 District Comms to notify the Superintendent, School Board and Leadership team
3 District Comms will handle media inquiries and assist with parent notification
Parents/familes School Community and local stakeholders Media
External Communication
Principal notification responsibiliies completed.
In a critical emergency, principal’s priorities are to:
• Take care of your students and staff
• Make sure everyone is safe
• District Communications will handle the rest