Page 18 - Parent Resource Guide 2022 8.29.22
P. 18
Safe and effective transportation works best when parents and staff work together to ensure an optimal environment for riding the bus.
• Parents must provide guidance to their children on appropriate bus stop behavior.
• Students will be given an assigned seat.
• Students must sit in their assigned seat.
• Siblings and those sharing a household will be seated together.
• Seats will be wiped down between routes.
• Windows will be open when the weather permits.
• Misconduct on the bus will result in disciplinary action that may include suspension from the bus.
Food and Nutrition Services
Our Mission ~ Fueling student success by providing nutritious meals at an affordable price while promoting sound eating habits that foster good health and academic achievement.
• Our district serves over 10 million meals a year.
• Brevard County Registered Dietitians plan school menus to ensure that the USDA nutritional guide- lines are met.
• Breakfast and lunch menus are available for each school on Nutrislice ~ visit https://brevard.nutrislice. com/menu
• Breakfast is FREE every day at ALL schools.
• Free & Reduced Meal Applications are available on-
line at:
• Set up your student’s cafeteria account at: The service is free and eliminates lost or forgotten
lunch money.
• We teach nutrition daily with our DOTS line signs – they help students identify food groups and make healthy meal choices.
• Please contact Food & Nutrition Services with any food allergies or medical conditions that require accommodation. We will be happy to help!
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