Page 27 - Parent Resource Guide 2022 8.29.22
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Information Rights of Parents
Every parent has the right to request information about the professional qualifications of the student’s teacher(s) and any teacher assistant who serve the student. This information will be provided by the administrative office at the child’s school upon request.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires the district to notify the parent when a teacher who is not qualified, teaches their child for four (4) consecutive weeks. If this occurs, their
child’s school will send home a letter giving them information regarding their child’s teacher. ESSA states that the district and each school receiving Title I, Part A funds must develop a Parent Family Engagement Plan (PFEP). The plans will be sum- marized in brochures printed in English and Spanish and distributed to all parents of impacted students. Information about PFEPs and Title I can be found in the Title I section of the BPS website or by calling (321) 633-1000 ext. 11336.
Title I is a federally funded program designed to improve achievement at schools with a high percentage of students eli- gible for free and reduced priced lunches. To qualify for school wide program status, a school must meet the criteria of a free and reduced lunch percentage of 63 percent or higher for ele- mentary schools, and 74 percent or higher for secondary. The Title I project serves 41 Brevard Public School sites.
Title I provides support through district resources and re- searched-based trainings, enabling schools to develop high quality, enriched programs that meet the individual needs of all children, families, and staff. By providing a positive, caring environment with high educational expectations, Title I en- sures that all individuals feel capable, connected, and able to make worthwhile contributions to their community.
Coordination with other agencies:
Title I coordinates services with other agencies throughout Brevard County. These agencies include Adult Education, Brevard Zoo, Eastern Florida State College, Head Start, Juve- nile Justice, Kennedy Space Center, Patrick Space Force Base, The Florida Department of Health, UCF, United Way, West- ED, English for Speakers of Other Languages, and homeless students and their families.
For more information, visit the Title I section of the website, or contact (321) 633-1000 ext. 11350.
Title I
Title I schools:
North/Central Alternative Learning Centers
Apollo Elementary
Atlantis Elementary
Audubon Elementary Cambridge Elementary Magnet Cape View Elementary Challenger 7 Elementary Christa McAuliffe Elementary Columbia Elementary
Coquina Elementary Croton Elementary
Dr. W.J Creel Elementary Cocoa High
Discovery Elementary
Emma Jewel Charter Academy Endeavour Elementary Fairglen Elementary
Fieldston Prepatory
Golfview Elementary Magnet Harbor City Elementary
Imagine Schools at West Melbourne
Imperial Estates Elementary Jupiter Elementary
MILA Elementary
Mims Elementary
Oak Park Elementary Odyssey Charter School
Odyssey Prepatory Charter Academy
Palm Bay Academy Charter Palm Bay Elementary Pinewood Elementary
Port Malabar Elementary Riverdale Country Day School Riviera Elementary
Royal Palm Charter
Sabal Elementary
Saturn Elementary Sherwood Elementary Stone Middle School Turner Elementary University Park Elementary