Page 59 - Supers School booklet 2023
P. 59

    Christa McAuliffe Elementary
 Grades: K-6
Mission: Empower students by challenging them to achieve
their personal best each day.
Vision: To attain excellence by encouraging responsible, independent, lifelong learners.
     Academic Excellence
Victoria Finsted
Digital Classroom Plan Grant Recipient-
As a result of being awarded the DCP grant, Christa McAuliffe Elementary is able to ensure all students in grades 2-6 have
one to one computer devices for use
during the school day. Our vision is to increase opportunities for all teachers
to incorporate blended learning in their classrooms in order to prepare our students for career and college readiness.
 • Outperformed the district and state in stu- dents scoring at or above proficiency in Math.
• Outperformed the district and state in learning gains for ELA and Math.
• Outperformed the district and state in learning gains for the bottom 25% in ELA and Math.
• In 2019 Christa McAuliffe Elementary had the highest test scores in 5 years.
• 53 instructional Staff – 17 with advanced degrees
 155 Del Mundo ST NW • Palm Bay FL 32907
• Phone: 321 768 0465
Mascot: Dove

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