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Judson Fontenot
                                                                              c: (806) 252-3329
                                                                              Agency Sales Representative
                                                                              West Texas

               September 10, 2020
               Terry Hunter
               Tennis Outlet
               4202 50th Street
               Lubbock, TX 79413

               RE: Colonial Life Information

               Dear Mr. Terry:

               Thank you so much for taking the time on Tuesday to speak with me.

               As promised, I've included information about Colonial Life, and our products and
               services. Upon review, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. I
               will make sure to follow up with you in the next few days to discuss. Please note
               that all Colonial Life Products and Services are offered at no direct cost to you, the


               Again, I enjoyed speaking with you and look forward to meeting with you in the

               near future.

               Thank you again for considering Colonial Life.


               Judson Fontenot
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