Page 124 - หนังสือหลักสูตรนักบริหารระดับสูง ธรรมศาสตร์เพื่อสังคม (นมธ.) รุ่นที่ 20
P. 124

  รายงานเศรษฐกิจเชิงสร้างสรรค์ นมธ. 20 กลุ่มที่ 2 เรื่อง “Innovation and Global Economic Development”
Advantages of automation:
• Consistency: Automated processes are consistent in their output, as they are programmed to perform tasks the same way every time. This can lead to greater stability in product quality and customer service.
• Predictability: Automation allows businesses to better predict their outputs and outcomes, as they can set and rely on consistent performance standards. This can lead to more stable revenue streams and growth projections.
• Reduced errors: Automation can significantly reduce errors and mistakes in processes, which can improve stability and reliability in operations. This is particularly important in industries such as healthcare and manufacturing where errors can have serious consequences.
• Improved efficiency: Automation can improve efficiency in operations, which can lead to more stable and predictable production timelines and cost savings. This can help businesses stay competitive and financially stable.
• Safety benefits: Automation can reduce safety risks in certain industries, such as manufacturing and transportation, which can lead to more stable operations and fewer disruptions due to safety incidents.
Overall, the stability benefits of automation stem from its ability to reduce variability, improve predictability, and create more consistent and reliable outcomes.
Disadvantages of automation:
• Higher cost: Automation can be more expensive to implement than manual processes, as it often requires specialized technology or equipment.
• Reduced flexibility: Automation can be less flexible and adaptable than manual processes, as changes to automated systems can be costly and time-consuming.
• Job displacement: Automation can lead to job displacement, as machines replace human labor in certain industries.

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