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Graduates’ Oath of Fidelity
The 43rd NIDA Commencement Ceremony Monday 13th February, 2023
Dear Privy Councillor
I, (Name of the Leader), request your kind permission to lead the graduates who
will be awarded a degree today to make the following pledge:
"I, (graduate’s full name), wish to take a solemn oath to the Privy Councillor,
in the presence of the National Institute of Development Administration Council, the Faculty, and honorable guests attending the convocation here that:
1. I shall esteem and be loyal to the nation, religion, and monarchy;
2. I shall use the knowledge gained from this institution in a constructive and
righteous manner;
3. I shall focus on my own development and society in all facets, true to the
philosophy of sufficiency economy for progress of the nation and the public;
4. I shall strive to ensure the integrity of all my deeds in the greatest interests
of the nation and the well-being of the people; and
5. I shall maintain the honor of the degree and the National Institute of
Development Administration by adhering to this pledge forever."

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