Page 11 - Shorthorn Magazine
P. 11

 Field Officer Report
 Change they say is the only constant and 2023 has seen significant changes in the structure of the administration of the Society.
 We have said a fond farewell to our Breed Secretary Ros Rimmer and Office Manager Claire Ward. It has been my pleasure and privilege to work alongside both of these wonderful ladies over the years and I am certain that everyone involved with the breed
will recognise their outstanding service and will wish them all the best for the future.
Stepping into the breach and getting up and running in a short space of time has been Andy Ryder and his team at Pedigree Livestock Service. Thanks to
the professionalism and broad experience of Andy’s team, the transition to the new regime
has been remarkably smooth. Elizabeth, who is usually the point of contact for members has been particularly fast to learn the intricacies of the Society
and I have received nothing but positive feedback so far.
2023 has another vintage year in the Show ring, particular congratulations to Paige Jepson
on winning the championship at the National Show in June and to the Collins family for their incredible success in breed and Interbreed competitions at the Great Yorkshire Show.
Shorthorn Sires strives to offer a selection of genetics to match all requirements and 100% of profits are reinvested into the breed.
This is your Society and I hope that everyone continues to support it, whether it be in
the show ring, supporting Society sponsored sales, herd competitions, type classification and of course registration.
Graham Bell
Field Officer
 Shorthorn 11

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