Page 8 - Beltex Year Book 2024
P. 8

It doesn’t seem like a year since I wrote my last report.
Lambing time here again, it has been a challenge for
everyone with all the wet weather. We are all in danger of
getting webbed feet! The fields are waterlogged and trying
to prevent the poaching of the spring grass has been
difficult but we have to make the best of things.
Prices at the markets have been on a high this year with prices
for 40kg prime hoggs over £6 per kilo and it’s great to see the
Beltex at the top, the demand for good Beltex lambs is at a
premium yet again!
It is a pleasure to be president of a society which is going forward
with the Beltex doing well in the markets and in the show ring.
It’s nice to see so many young people involved in the breed,
their new ideas keeps the society fresh.
At the AGM Kenny took over as chairman and there are some
new faces on council, I’m sure they will continue to oversee the
business side of the society and I would like to thank them for
their time and enthusiasm.
Thank you once again to Pedigree Livestock and their staff who
keep the admin and promotions ticking over.
I wish all the members a bumper year showing and selling their
Beltex sheep, either in the pedigree or commercial markets.
After more than 10 years at the helm of the Society, we say
a fond farewell to Barbara as she takes another step towards
retirement. Barbara has helped form the Society we know
now and has always been a friendly voice to members on
the phone or in person at shows and sales.
Barbara would like to extend her thank you to members for their
kindness and friendship throughout the years, and to those who
have reached out with kind words.

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