Page 26 - Demo
P. 26

EX 92 8 Drisgol Gamma 28th 028707822 Drisgol Mortimore
EX 91 3 Drisgol Diana 180 029730535 Panorama Anticipation
EX 90 3 Drisgol Daisy 191 028730611 Llandovery Vipor
EX 90 3 Drisgol Fleur 6 028730562 Churchroyd Wild Card
EX 90 4 Drisgol Diana 169 028720325 Gelli Pendulum
EX 90 4 Drisgol Tulip 111 028718413 Churchroyd Wild Card
EX 90 6 Drisgol Foggathorpe 16 028715065 Skyhigh Samson (ET)
VG 88 3 Drisgol Dinnie 70 028730523 Drisgol Dairymaster
VG 87 2 Drisgol Diana 196 029733514 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 87 3 Drisgol Delilah 134 028736369 Panorama Anticipation
VG 87 2 Drisgol Belladonna 407 028733410 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 87 2 Drisgol Daisy Sovereign 41 028733402 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 87 2 Drisgol Diana 194 028733385 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 86 1 Drisgol Bridesmaid 123 028736485 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 86 1 Drisgol Daphne 139 028736431 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 86 1 Drisgol Daphne 137 028736371 Churchroyd Pure Class
VG 85 2 Drisgol Claribel 106 029733497 Delta Norbert Hcd0
VG 85 1 Drisgol Belladonna 441 028736596 Drisgol Bruno
VG 85 1 Drisgol Belladonna 442 028736595 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 85 1 Drisgol Diana 212 028736583 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 85 1 Drisgol Rose 172 028736571 Drisgol Jack Daniel
VG 85 1 Drisgol Gamma 66 028736500 Drisgol Bruno
VG 85 1 Drisgol Claribel 120 028736487 Churchroyd Pure Class
VG 85 1 Drisgol Barrington 47 028736476 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 85 1 Drisgol Bridesmaid 117 028736375 Churchroyd Pure Class
VG 85 2 Drisgol Daphne 130 028733394 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
Mr G Royle - Dunham
EX 90 3 Dunham Rosemary 75 028720830 Dunham Mariner
EX 90 3 Dunham Daffodil 60 028720701 Dunham Mariner
VG 88 5 Dunham Wild Honey 104 027714968 Dunham Lofty
VG 87 3 Dunham Tulip 186 028730030 Dunham Atlas
VG 87 3 Dunham Pansy 79 028720867 Dunham Mariner
VG 87 4 Dunham Margaret 141 028717677 Dunham Mariner
VG 87 5 Dunham Pansy 68 028711968 Dunham Lofty
VG 86 2 Dunham Cowslip 67 028730923 Dunham Atlas
VG 85 5 Dunham Wild Queen 78 028714970 Dunham Lofty
Mr and Mrs I L Harries - Gelli
EX 94 7 Ashgrove Butterbur 10 028709239 Rodway Oracle
EX 91 3 Gelli Butternut Anwen 028720149 Blackwood Park Butternut
EX 91 3 Gelli Butternut Peggy 028720146 Blackwood Park Butternut
EX 91 3 Gelli Butternut D Jill 028720148 Blackwood Park Butternut
EX 91 3 Gelli Butternut Appleman 028720145 Blackwood Park Butternut
EX 91 5 Ashgrove Red Rose 18 028714073 Rodway Rhodes (ET)
EX 90 3 Gelli Bpb Jill 028720697 Blackwood Park Butternut
EX 90 3 Gelli Butternut Tip Toe 028714099 Blackwood Park Butternut
EX 90 4 Ashgrove Red Rose 18 028714073 Rodway Rhodes (ET)
VG 88 2 Gelli Mortimore Darlington 028731414 Drisgol Mortimore
VG 87 1 Gelli Jtp Darlington Cran 028734785 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 86 2 Gelli Vipor Duchess 028733082 Llandovery Vipor
VG 86 1 Gelli Jazz Tip Toe 028734334 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 86 1 Gelli Vipor Foggathorpe 028733081 Llandovery Vipor
VG 86 2 Gelli Ricochet Jill 028730924 Cor Bloo Ricochet
VG 86 3 Gelli Hoffman Bridesmaid 028714100 Lemon Grove Hoffman
VG 85 1 Gelli Vipor Tip Toe 028733989 Llandovery Vipor
Mr James Danforth - Haydike
VG 87 3 Oxton Felix Foggathorpe 918 027720870 Oxton Felix (ET)
VG 86 2 Winton House Wren 10 1414305020356 Cor Bloo Ricochet
DW & GN Renfree - Hayvalley
VG 89 2 Cotonhall Comanche 028733607 Lands Brook Comanche
		 Duchess Ann
VG 85 2 Hayvalley Bomber 1333 029742745 Brooksteads Bomber
Mr T C Moscrop - Irthingelt
EX 91 3 Hooton Lily Fair 291 028720384 Kilsally Redford
EX 91 3 Bradhill Foggathorpe 028714108 Nixs Lcd Lido (ET)
		 Primrose 		 (Imported Semen)
VG 87 0 Cotonhall Flame 028734987 Gelli Ipod Discoverer (ET)
VG 87 3 Irthingelt Joyce 028720720 Winbrook Nixson
VG 86 2 Irthingelt Wildeyes 8 028731412 Winbrook Jagger
VG 86 2 Irthingelt Dewdrop 6 028721173 Winbrook Nixson
VG 85 1 Cotonhall Duggee Joyce 028734966 Cotonhall Duggee
Messrs N and R Booth - Kilsall
EX 92 3 Kilsally Countess 24 028714240 Kilsally Troy
EX 91 6 Kilsally Seraphina 18 028717698 Kilsally Warrior
EX 91 8 Kilsally Jill 17th 028705802 Stardale Judge Red
EX 90 4 Kilsally Seraphina 22 028718188 Palmyra Tri-Star
				 Burdette ET(Ayr)
EX 90 3 Kilsally Countess 21 028714237 Blackwood Park Butternut
EX 90 6 Kilsally Snowflake 31 028713102 Palmyra Tri-Star
				 Burdette ET(Ayr)
VG 87 3 Kilsally Lady Barrington 9 028734306 Churchroyd Wild Card
VG 87 3 Kilsally Fillpail 24 028734295 Kilsally Troy
VG 86 1 Kilsally Fillpail 26 028737821 Llandovery Prides
				 Prophet (ET)
VG 86 2 Kilsally Tulip 20 028734635 Cor Bloo Ricochet
VG 86 1 Kilsally Jill 27 028734304 Cor Bloo Ricochet
VG 85 1 Kilsally Idea Ruth 17 028741003 Kilsally Troy
VG 85 1 Kilsally Countess 36 028737826 Kilsally Troy
VG 85 2 Kilsally Tiny 8 028737682 Cor Bloo Ricochet
VG 85 2 Kilsally Cherry Blossom 18 028734281 Cor Bloo Ricochet
VG 85 6 Kilsally Tulip 11 028713092 Kilsally Redford
B Lawson and Sons - Lisnamulligan
EX 92 3 Lisnamulligan Royal Kathleen 2 027730046 Oxton Winfall
VG 89 2 Lisnamulligan Royal Kathleen 2 027730046 Oxton Winfall
VG 88 4 Lisnamulligan Dewdrop 15 028718157 Churchroyd Percy
VG 87 4 Lisnamulligan Clara United 027720012 Dunham Aristocrat
VG 86 1 Lisnamulligan Peeress Rose 3 028734675 Oxton Clarity (ET)
VG 86 1 Winbrook Peeress Rose 33 028731189 Bushmills Jazz (ET)
VG 86 1 Lisnamulligan Fairy 18 027733732 Mapleton Vly J Zumba
G G Baynes and Son - Marleycote
EX 93 4 Shaunlea Geri 13 028716721 Marleycote Cosmonaut
VG 86 1 Marleycote Petal 144 029741133 Blackwood Park Butternut
VG 86 1 Marleycote Petal 144 029741133 Blackwood Park Butternut
VG 86 1 Marleycote Gem 50 029714571 Blackwood Park Butternut
VG 85 2 Marleycote Olive 28 029736411 Ards Sinbad ET
VG 85 1 Marleycote Lincoln Ideal 023742961 Marleycote Lincoln
VG 85 1 Gelli Anticipation Anwen 028733988 Panorama Anticipation
VG 85 2 Gelli Mortimore Hazell 028731222 Drisgol Mortimore
S Armstrong - Moorriggs
VG 87 0 Moorriggs Charles 028736252 Winbrook Claridge
VG 86 1 Cotonhall Bambam Cornelia 028734994 Cotonhall Bambam
Gerald & Eleri Thomas - Oakmoor
VG 86 2 Drisgol Lady Sybella 105 028733403 Drisgol Scot
Oxton Farm - Oxton
EX 93 5 Oxton Reagan (ET) 028713657 Ecuafarm Kaiser Royalty
EX 92 4 Oxton Dsf Winsonia 113 027718469 Dunsandle Shades
EX 91 3 Oxton Clarity Wildeyes 935 027718147 Oxton Clarity (ET)
EX 91 5 Oxton Zumba Duchess 244 027715315 Mapleton Vly J Zumba
VG 89 3 Oxton Ns Wildeyes 948 027720115 Newpark Snowman
VG 88 0 Oxton Reece 028734432 Lynmark St Clare
VG 88 4 Oxton Felix Clarissa 027720030 Oxton Felix (ET)
VG 87 3 Oxton Lyman Bridesmaid 6 028715997 Mysha-Wo Biestar Lyman
				 (Imp Semen Usa)
VG 86 1 Oxton Comanche 028734018 Lands Brook Comanche
		 Foggathorpe 981
VG 86 2 Winbrook Cactus 38 028730931 Oxton Clarity (ET)
VG 86 2 Oxton Comanche 027733022 Lands Brook Comanche
		 Foggathorpe 958
VG 86 3 Oxton Clarity Foggathorpe 929 027730009 Oxton Clarity (ET)
VG 86 3 Oxton Or Wildeyes 953 027720254 Oxton Royal (ET)
VG 86 4 Oxton Or Duchess 247 027720122 Oxton Royal (ET)
VG 86 5 Oxton Lc Foggathorpe 770 027716706 Lady Grove Conrad
VG 86 5 Oxton Winfall Lilac 46 027715320 Oxton Winfall
VG 85 1 Oxton Dusty Foggathorpe 990 027734919 Oxton Dusty
VG 85 2 Oxton Franklin Wildeyes 1004 027731384 Oxton Franklin
VG 85 4 Oxton Envoy Wildeyes 855 027712366 Hooton Envoy
D J and D S Winnington - Rantonall
EX 96 7 Rantonall Songstress 50 027709424 Rantonall Stephen
EX 93 0 Rantonall Reality 027714628 Rantonall James
EX 93 6 Rantonall Kirklevington 37 027712920 Rantonall Jethro
EX 93 6 Rantonall Joy 119 027712682 Rantonall Edward
EX 93 7 Rantonall Dainty Princess 37 027708191 Rantonall Stephen
EX 93 9 Rantonall Kirklevington 30th 027700563 Newpark John
EX 92 5 Rantonall Beatrice 12 027714851 Rantonall Jethro
EX 92 5 Rantonall Springfly 24 027712685 Rantonall Stephen
EX 92 6 Rantonall Gwynne 53 027709408 Rantonall Stephen
EX 92 6 Rantonall Dainty Princess 37 027708191 Rantonall Stephen
EX 92 7 Rantonall Strawberry 027705780 Tregear Poynings
		 Dairymaid 3rd 		 Trumpeter 12th
EX 91 3 Rantonall Briar 5 027720243 Rantonall James
EX 91 5 Rantonall Waterloo Rose 87 027714852 Rantonall Jethro
EX 91 6 Rantonall Blodwen 16 027712924 Rantonall Jethro
EX 90 3 Rantonall Songstress 60 027720242 Rantonall James
EX 90 3 Rantonall Joy 134 027720241 Rantonall James
VG 88 3 Rantonall Barrington 41a 027742303 Rantonall Dignity
VG 88 4 Rantonall Songstress 68 027714508 Rantonall Dignity
VG 88 3 Rantonall Dainty Darlington 27 027713912 Rantonall Dignity
VG 88 3 Rantonall Jewel 73 027713890 Rantonall James
VG 88 5 Rantonall Gwynne 55 027712927 Rantonall Edward
VG 87 3 Rantonall Waterloo Rose 94 027714479 Rantonall Dignity
VG 87 3 Rantonall Wild Eyes 24 027714470 Rantonall Dignity
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