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American Milking Shorthorn Society
Greetings from the United States. The 2023 American Milking Shorthorn Society national
convention and annual meeting was held in Norman, Oklahoma. The convention is a
yearly highlight for many of our breeders as they catch up with each other, learn about
changes within the Society, and see good cattle.
While in Oklahoma we toured Marak Farms where they
bottle milk that is merchandised locally. Awards presented
to our breeders included the Harry Clampitt Young
Breeder Award which went to Travis Marak of Marak
Farms located in Meeker, Oklahoma and the 2022 AMSS
Citizen of the Year Award presented to Craig and Cindy
Achen of Little Falls, Minnesota. Matt Henkes was elected
to president and Joanna Landrum Vice-President for the
2022-2023 year.
The nod was given to DDF PV Rockstar Margarita ET
(Halpins Muddy Rockstar*TW) as Junior Champion
and Heavenly Let’s Party EXP ET (G12 Gold Mine MD
Justice*CD) as Reserve Junior Champion. The AMSS
national sale was topped with a choice sired by Lucky
Strike PP x Belero Bonnie EX 93. Purchased by George
Halpin and Partners, the lot demanded $ 5,200 for
consigner Peter Vail. The high selling live lot was RK M
Rockstar selling for $2,600. Consigned by Kenna Kirsnis,
this daughter of Hard Core Bently Rimrock is sired by
B-D-F Marsha’s Money. Congratulations to her new
owner, Brian Nailor
Our national show season crowned many champions.
The Grand Champion of the Northeast National, judged
by Matt Henkes went to Gin-Val Princeton Leanna-EXP
(GMC-Innisfail Princeton 609-ET) with Reserve Grand
being GMC Ricochet Hazel (Cor-Bloo Ricochet). At the
Eastern National show, judged by Carla Stetzer, Lazy
M Wildside Gennette EXP (Ourway Walk on the Wild
Side) was named Grand Champion, with Reserve Grand
Champion going to Weissmann Gianni Cher- EXP (GE
Gold Mine Presto Gianni). The Milking Shorthorn show
at World Dairy Expo was strong with 225 head walking
the colored shavings for judges Brandon Ferry and Mike
Gregory. Millcreek Lottery Ladyluck (Innisfail Mega Lottery
ET) was named Grand Champion, with Reserve Grand
Champion going to Gin-Val Logic Lauretta EXP (GMC
Rebel Logic ET). Brandon Ferry said at the end of day 2
at World Dairy EXPO, “The quality of Milking Shorthorn
that walked through the ring was top from the beginning
to the end.”
At each show I have attended this year, I have been
wowed by the junior milking shorthorn members of our
breed. I have seen some great young cattle being bred by
our youth. Keep up the great work of promoting the Red,
White and Roan.
Our registrations, transfers, adult, and youth membership
remain steady.
The board of directors continues to make decisions to
benefit the Milking Shorthorn breed. In January the
decision to go with Holstein USA for our classification has
been a positive relationship. We are seeing more Milking
Shorthorns being scored as we find more Holstein herds
with a few Milking Shorthorn cows. Milking Shorthorn
cattle are finding their way into more herds as breeders
are finding value in the breed. More and more sales
throughout the country are featuring a few select ones to
add diversity to sales. Kate Gulley
AMSS Executive Secretary
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Eastern National grand Grand Champion World Dairy Expo

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