Page 46 - Sustainability and entrepreneurship for CSO's and CSO networks Cambodia 1 November 2018
P. 46

 The CSO sector is not unknown with mergers, see for example Oxfam International, a UK and Dutch CSO clubbing together. Another example: different country offices of Care, Safe the Children, Plan International, Doctors Without Borders that combined their efforts into one central led organisation. Let’s not forget the CSO sector is a multi billion business that employs millions of staff all over the world.
 There are an estimated 10 million non-governmental organisations (CSOs) worldwide. If CSOs were a country, they would have the 5th largest economy in the world. Three out of four employees in the CSO sector are female, but the majority of leadership positions at CSOs are still predominately held by men. The value of 7.7 billion hours of volunteer work performed by 62.6 million Americans, or 25.4 percent of the adult population, in 2013 was US $173 billion. Total giving in the United States to non-governmental organisations was US $358.38 billion in 2014 (about 2% of GDP) – an increase of 7.1% from 2013. 53% of Asia Pacific citizens donate to CSOs with those in Thailand (71%), Vietnam (70%), and Hong Kong (65%) giving most often. In Cambodia some 4.000 CSOs (1350 active) are home to 43.000 staff and process annually US $600 – $7000 million. VSO Cambodia employs some 60 national and international staff with an annual budget of US $1.5 million. (Source:#NGOFACTS, 2017)
    (Morton, 2013)
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